I have been growing veg during the summer for a couple of years now and having caught the bug want to try some things over the winter. I have some kohlrabi and cos lettuce, spinach and chard seedlings but am worrying about where I should plant them. I have just made a new bed next to a wall, the wall will shade the bed for about half of the day. Will kohlrabi, cos lettuce, spinach and chard be ok in partial shade in the winter months? Or should they be in full sun?
If they need to be in full sun, can anyone tell me what vegetables (or fruit) would do ok in partial shade in the winter?
I think onions will need to be in full sun as they are a root- right?
Thanks for your help!!!
I have been growing veg during the summer for a couple of years now and having caught the bug want to try some things over the winter. I have some kohlrabi and cos lettuce, spinach and chard seedlings but am worrying about where I should plant them. I have just made a new bed next to a wall, the wall will shade the bed for about half of the day. Will kohlrabi, cos lettuce, spinach and chard be ok in partial shade in the winter months? Or should they be in full sun?
If they need to be in full sun, can anyone tell me what vegetables (or fruit) would do ok in partial shade in the winter?
I think onions will need to be in full sun as they are a root- right?
Thanks for your help!!!