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Any good discoveries this year?


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  • #31
    I've been growing an absolutely fabulous and productive climbing French bean called Fortex. It is a French variety and you need a mortgage to buy a packet... cost me around 12 euros! but you can always save your own seed after the first year. It produces REALLY long thin beans which are completely stringless and goes on producing for months. Nearest thing to a runner in French beans. Really prolific crops. You need to train it in a way that keeps the shoots growing longer and longer and not too high you can't pick them! I have been using a stepladder to pick them, so will train them along a lower wire or fence next time.
    I know you can get them from Graines Baumaux here, but there are several other suppliers. Certainly the best French bean I have ever grown in 35 years or more of gardening.


    • #32
      As this has been my first full season on my plot, almost everything has been a discovery!

      Blue Lake climbing beans have been fantastic, if a little late to start to produce beans, but they are still going strong with loads still to develop and be harvested.

      Tomatoes - I grew 17 varieties this year (I got a bit carried away) and some have yet to produce ripe fruit, but the ones that have so far (Roma, Gardener's Delight, Maskota, Moneymaker, Golden Sunrise and Totem) have been fantastic. I think that they will all be in the polytunnel again next year.

      Chillis - had fruit from four varieties that I would recommend -

      Numax Twilight - tiny purple chillis that stand upright on the plant but pack a real heat - the most prolific of the plants I grew this year.

      Cayene Purple - very dark, almost black chillis that are scorchingly hot - a single one in a pot of chilli turned it into molten lava!

      Filius Blue - not convinced that the chillis that I grew were Filus Blue as they ripened to red, but still very nice.

      Thai Culinary - slender, green chillis similar in appearance to 'Apache'. the mildest of the lot, but a lot of flavour in place of the heat, and quite a prolific cropper.

      I would grow Anya potatoes again - fantastic flavour and a heavy cropper with good slug resistance.

      I wouldn't grow Salad Blue or Casablanca in buckets again - every last one came down with scab but those in the ground were perfect.

      I wouldn't grow courgette 'Fruit Nice a la Ronde' again - if you don't catch the fruit at about 4 inches across they get very fluffy and lose a lot of flavour. I would rather grow one of the patty pan varieties where the flavour develops with the size of the fruit.

      Carrots - I grew Paris Market (round, no more than an inch across) Early Nantes and Chantonnay Red Cored. All good and would recommend.

      As had been said before, I won't be bothering with Asparagus Pea for the crop, but the red flowers are quite nice, so if I have a spare bit of ground.....

      So many more I could recommend but I can't remember most of the varieties!

      Andy Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


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