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onion worries


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  • onion worries

    hi all, never grown onions before so please bear with me. My autumn planted sets are all over the place! Some are huge, some really small, some have yellow leaves, some green and some look like the leaves are disappearing. Also every time I go there are a couple of onions sort of dug up and lying on the ground. Please Help I'm very confused

  • #2
    Don't grow onions myslef, but from what you say the sets would appear to have been a 'mixed bag of varieties'.

    The only thing I think I can help with are the onions 'sort of dug up any lying on the ground'. In a word, birds. We have a lot of juvenile blackbirds in the garden at the moment, and they peck at anything. We get labels thrown out, small plants and cuttings dug up. Its a bit trying, but I wouldn't be without them.



    • #3
      Goodness, sounds like some of them could be ill. You need to diagnose Dr. If they look like they are not going to make it remove a couple. Assess what it is. Are they ready?..Yellow leaves are not a good thing. a couple on the outside -give em a spray with seaweed extract, all moudly leaves is mildew-unlikely this year, white rot- moudy roots as well(possible); If centre leaves die- inside slimey-shanking. last too bad. need to grow them somewhere else for ages. You would want to remove them from the bed and use what you can quickly they won't dry and store.


      • #4
        Many thanks for your replies. I've picked up the few that were uprooted and they seem just fine. Ive left them to dry out a bit and the only thing that i can moan about is that the necks seem a bit soft (havent got a clue if this is bad or not ) I suppose i'll just have to play the waiting game with the rest of them!


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