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Anyone germinating chillies yet??


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  • #16
    At lunchtime, I sat 5 Numex Chilli seeds on Kitchen roll. Got distracted by other seeds. Did a few Maskotka Toms, Ramiro peppers and some Sarian Strawberries. Had to return to desk. More this evening for sure.

    Now, back to work with me.
    While wearing your night clothes, plant cucumbers on the 1st May before the sun comes up, and they will not be attacked by bugs.


    • #17
      Nicos, I grew Espelette last year, I got about 30/35 peppers off of two plants, not super productive (well, for me) but most were a decent size (and an attractive, rich red colour). I'm yet to try any as they are strung up and drying, but I'm very much looking forward to sampling the powder I intend to make when they are suitably dried. Espelette is supposed to be all about the flavour and aroma; the heat is not too powerful and almost an afterthought. Apparently the powder from this chilli is highly regarded and sought after in professional kitchens. Should be good!


      • #18
        Yeaterday I managed to get a few each of Prairie Fire, Firecracker, Medusa, Cherry Bomb, Cayene, Anaheim, Thai Silk, Birdseye, Scoth Bonnet, Dorset Naga, Hot Lemon and Nardello sitting on kitchen paper in labelled bags. Woohoo.
        While wearing your night clothes, plant cucumbers on the 1st May before the sun comes up, and they will not be attacked by bugs.


        • #19

          Have my 1st allotment and luckily it came with a polytunnel

          Want to grow some chillies and have bought from South devon chillies

          Scotch Bonnet, bulgarian carrot and ring of fire chili seeds

          I do not have a heated propagator ( dont want to get one either)

          Do have a spare bedroom and a propagator for them to go in

          When would you peeps start these and when would it be safe to move to the polytunnel

          Any other tips would be gratefully received



          • #20
            Well I would personally, sow all of these at the beginning of Feb. LAst year I sowed in January and it worked out that the February sown ones grew just as fast in the end....

            I am in South Wales, and move into greenhouse around mid April


            • #21
              Originally posted by Nicos View Post
              I'm just thinking about starting them off on damp kitchen paper as this worked well last year...anyone else started yet?
              I have started some seeds off collected from fruits of chilli plants I grew last year. I have used my propagator which has worked really well. So far so good!


              • #22
                I've started mine on damp kitchen paper on the radiator today - seeds saved from last years Hungarian got wax plant so fingers crossed

                Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                • #23
                  Scotch bonnets, habanero, cayenne and jalapeno started today.


                  • #24
                    Cayenne, Habanero and Jalape�os started yesterday
                    I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                    ...utterly nutterly


                    • #25
                      sown today:

                      ring of fire
                      white habanero
                      caribbean red hot
                      aji rainforest
                      nepalese snakebite
                      topik F1
                      Joe's long
                      Apricot Habanero
                      Lemon drop
                      Last edited by chilli_grower; 25-01-2014, 08:21 PM. Reason: missed one!


                      • #26
                        Oh gosh...I'm going have to sow more now aren't I???
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • #27
                          Chillies and aubergines are going in on the 28th. According to the lunar calendar it's the best day for them.
                          Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                          • #28
                            hi there, have just bought some chilli seeds, going to sow joes long and basket of fire which i have tried before and liked alot, but am trying paper lantern and naga jolokia for the first time, supposedly very high on the scale, anyone tried these ??, and what did ye think ?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Shamie View Post
                              hi there, have just bought some chilli seeds, going to sow joes long and basket of fire which i have tried before and liked alot, but am trying paper lantern and naga jolokia for the first time, supposedly very high on the scale, anyone tried these ??, and what did ye think ?
                              Naga Jolokia are insanely hot Shamie!! For a time they were the hottest chilli in the world, originally grown down in Dorset of all places, by cross breeding 2 types. I put just one in a curry once and it was hotter than a vindaloo! Never tried Paper Lantern, but I'm guessing they will look quite similar to the Naga, as they have lantern shaped fruit too. I've recently just sown lots of Naga seeds myself, hoping they germinate in the heated prop


                              • #30
                                Started my chillies yesterday. Medium hot Jalape�o and Fresno. Also kicked my peppers off too.

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