Hi everyone,
Last summer I sowed some Durham cabbage for harvesting this spring. However my back garden is slug paradise due to the squishy, damp clay soil in winter and my poor plants have been mercilessly attacked. It's now getting to a stage where I'm not sure whether to even let them continue to grow. So many of the leaves have been eaten that I don't even know whether anything edible will come out of these plants! It's my first time growing them so any opinions as to whether to let them grow for a bit longer or just rip them out and make space for new plants would be appreciated. See photos. I'm also starting to worry that they haven't grown very much at all - the largest plant looks okay but the smaller ones look like they're barely surviving, let alone growing.
Also, what with the new growing season coming up I'm looking for new ways to try and stop the slugs eating everything in my garden. I don't like killing anything if I can help it and do have cats, so I'm not keen on using slug pellets. I came across these Slug Gone pellets though, and they look promising. But before I spend money on something that might not be effective, have any of you used these before?