Having been given a second greenhouse, I can now grow a few extra indoor crops, rather than just tomatoes.
I fancy growing some chillies, but note that seeds should really have already be sown. Am I really too late ?
Just been doing some internet research and note that germination of chillies can take quite a long time. I assume, if I do so seeds now, I would be better with the fast germination types.
There seem to be an awful lot of varieties, so have come up with a few possibilities. I might opt for two types.
Of the ones below, which ones are more likely to succeed if I sow them in the next couple of days.
Thai Dragon
Lemon Drop
Hungarian Hot Wax
thank you for any advice provided
I fancy growing some chillies, but note that seeds should really have already be sown. Am I really too late ?
Just been doing some internet research and note that germination of chillies can take quite a long time. I assume, if I do so seeds now, I would be better with the fast germination types.
There seem to be an awful lot of varieties, so have come up with a few possibilities. I might opt for two types.
Of the ones below, which ones are more likely to succeed if I sow them in the next couple of days.
Thai Dragon
Lemon Drop
Hungarian Hot Wax
thank you for any advice provided