Hi guys,
I grew my first tomatos last year with quite good success.
My mum has asked me to grow her some this year, but a specific type she loves and buys from Marks and Spencer's! Santini. I've tried to do some research and found it's likely if you try grow the seeds from the shop bough fruit, they might be hybrid.
I'm still going to have a go for her - what's the worst that could happen right! She has some santinis in the fridge now - any advice of best method??
I grew my first tomatos last year with quite good success.
My mum has asked me to grow her some this year, but a specific type she loves and buys from Marks and Spencer's! Santini. I've tried to do some research and found it's likely if you try grow the seeds from the shop bough fruit, they might be hybrid.
I'm still going to have a go for her - what's the worst that could happen right! She has some santinis in the fridge now - any advice of best method??