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Raddish bolted yet again, pathetic size again sigh......


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  • #31
    This is what I encountered coming back from two weeks holiday yesterday: four foot high flowering radish plants.

    But the radishes at the bottom were huge! Scarlet Globe variety I think. Chopped into the roasting tray or sliced into a stir fry they're quite soft and delish.
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    • #32
      Yep, again leggy and useless which puts the theory of in the sun down. I just will never be able to grow this so called "easy" veg :-(


      • #33
        Personally I think radishes are meant to be a quick crop...not sure whether they're meant to be easy. So far I've definitely not had much success. I can't get them to swell up at all and end up with tiny woody things. I hold my hands up as I know I struggle with thinning. (I can't bear to pull up, what look like, perfectly healthy little plants) But even with radish seed tape, I've not been successful.

        I'm just going to keep on giving them a go. At least they have a long season to keep trying.

        Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


        • #34
          Just to add to my comment from yesterday, I was chatting gardening this morning and someone else (completely unprompted) started to moan about the difficulties of growing radishes. They have been gardening and veg plotting for years, both in the UK and France...with little radish success. So clearly not an easy crop for everyone.


          • #35
            I found myself buying a packet of radish seed yesterday... inspired by this thread! I know that makes no sense but I am going to have a go and will let you know how I get on.
            My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



            • #36
              Originally posted by Noosner View Post
              I found myself buying a packet of radish seed yesterday... inspired by this thread! I know that makes no sense but I am going to have a go and will let you know how I get on.
              Hahaha!! That actually does make sense!! I'm also going to dig out a couple of varieties from my seed box (inc a winter radish) and have another go too! When at first you don't succeed...etc etc. Keep us posted...


              • #37
                One of the problems with radish is perception. A lot of people have been told its easy to grow and they throw a few seeds down and let them get on with it. A radish needs some care just like every other plant.
                Potty by name Potty by nature.

                By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                Aesop 620BC-560BC



                • #38
                  Well i took advice here and grew in sunny position. Suffice to say they have hardly grown weeks on.


                  • #39
                    Done the same again this year. Made sure well watered and hardly any swelling over 2 months on. Scrawny, pathetic things and did all that was advised here. French Breakfast. Quick crop my eye.


                    • #40
                      Probably a bit cold for a quick crop this time of year.


                      • #41
                        Well if I plant in warm weather they bolt. Plant in cold weather too small and won't grow. When I read about radish growing it always states they do better in a cool area. I can't win.


                        • #42
                          I planted cut and come again salad leaves, said on the packet ready in 4 weeks, 8 weeks later and they still arent there yet, its just the time of year

                          The only tips I can give are as follows

                          mix in in some bonemeal with the compost pre planting as ive read the phosphorus helps the yield

                          Plant seeds in individual holes, also 2-3" between radish, dont just scatter, also sow deep helps roots form, atleast 1" to 1 and 1/2"

                          As they are a brassica I firm up in the compost after sowing with my hand.

                          Plant in sunny (not the hottest part of the garden) but a 7 out of 10 sunny part.

                          Water everyday so the soil is moist at all times.
                          Last edited by maverick451; 13-05-2015, 12:08 AM.


                          • #43
                            Thanks. Hope this works :-)


                            • #44
                              I've never had much luck growing radishes either so I started
                              Have a read - most of us had problems growing them
                              I've stopped growing them now as I realised that Ii don't really like radishes


                              • #45
                                Excellent thread, I’m hopeless with radish and have more or less given up but will try again using some of the tips listed here.
                                Meantime no-one seems to have mentioned using radish seed as micro-green sprouting seed (ready to eat in 2 – 5 days!) I wouldn’t recommend using commercial seed because possibly sprayed with nasties and the bulk required would work out expensive but Garden Organic supply one specifically for sprouting and they’re delicious:
                                RADISH for Sprouting (125g) Organic
                                I use those more through the winter months as easily sprouted on a windowsill, recommended with Fenugreek sprouting seed, both tangy.
                                Will also try the pod approach - that’s a new one on me, live and learn… But I think radish are biennial aren’t they so do you have to wait to the next year to get the pods?


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