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The impossible dream.....


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  • The impossible dream.....

    I've tried many times to raise cukes from seed. I gave up on f1's this year and went for ridge cukes, as being hardier, they might stand a better chence of survival. I thought I'd cracked it with a couple until today. One still looks healthy enough, but the other is showing signs of fading. Any one with any idea what has gone wrong with the plant on the left. I'd have thought getting them to this stage would ensure success. I am going to pot them both on as the roots are now visible at the bottom of the pot.
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  • #2
    Originally posted by brownfingers View Post
    Any one with any idea what has gone wrong with the plant on the left. I'd have thought getting them to this stage would ensure success. I am going to pot them both on as the roots are now visible at the bottom of the pot.
    I'm growing some Cornichons . . . they are big plants, need a good sized pot and plenty of water . . . your pots could be bigger, the one on the left looks like it could hold another inch of compost.

    So yes, pot them up, 5" pot at least, and keep a careful eye on the watering
    My allotment in pictures


    • #3
      Have you looked under the leaves in case its bugs/insects that caused the leaf to curl.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #4
        First don't get down hearted remember that the first thing a cumber does is try to die, they are in affect suicidal.

        Your compost look a little to wet to me, check the stem of the affected plant to ensure you do not have stem rot. Pot up into slightly bigger pots and water from the bottom to avoid wet compost around the stem.
        Potty by name Potty by nature.

        By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

        We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

        Aesop 620BC-560BC



        • #5
          Now potted on as advised. Nice fresh compost with just a hint of fb&b. Duly watered from underneath.

          Bren, no sign of any bugs on underside of leaves.


          • #6
            That curly leaf made me think greenfly too...

            I dropped a tomato on one of mine at the weekend. Not suicide that one, more death by misadventure.
            Garden Grower
            Twitter: @JacobMHowe


            • #7
              Don't forget if ever you break the leader of a tom or cumber that is not the end of the game. If its about 4" long with a couple of leaves put it through the milk bottle. Hey presto new plant.
              Potty by name Potty by nature.

              By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

              We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

              Aesop 620BC-560BC



              • #8
                I "mended" a cucumber stem last year as I snapped it whilst putting the plant in its final position. I splinted it with a lolly stick and sellotape until it had healed.


                • #9
                  Wendy I did the same thing a couple of days ago as I was planting out a tomato plant - I thought I was daft to do it but had nothing to lose, so I'm glad to see it maybe wasn't quite as daft as I thought!
                  Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


                  • #10
                    Potstubsdustbins has it right, they are suicidal, I planted 10 and have just three left (the number I need) which are now in their final position. They seem to be taking their time taking off too, I blame the night time temps we are having, still only 9C last night. If one of these pops its socks I will have to go and buy one. Its nice to grow them from seed but I have no qualms in buying plants if needs must.
                    photo album of my garden in my profile


                    • #11
                      Your like me then Bill with cumbers always set seed for more than you need. Some years end up giving the odd one away but not very often.
                      Potty by name Potty by nature.

                      By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                      We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                      Aesop 620BC-560BC



                      • #12
                        *whispers very very quietly cucs all seem to be behaving this year....ones even got fruit

                        One of my tomatoes last year grew lovely with an elastoplast round the stem
                        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                        • #13
                          All of mine are still alive so far too... Have started to harden some off now, so that will test them
                          I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                          ...utterly nutterly


                          • #14
                            This is the first year I've grown them. So far one has got to a good size but is now in recovery having been put out. A couple of others are going out in 2-3 weeks when they've grown a bit more and got the benefit of going into bigger pots yesterday. I'm not going to be a cuc crusader and will cheerfully give up if need be. I don't have the time to cosset them.
                            Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


                            • #15
                              I wanted 2 cucs so sown 4 seeds well 5 really because an extra one dropped in the compost and up to yet all 5 plants are still alive.

                              2 have been planted in the GH border and the spares will eventually go outdoors I did offer a couple to our daughter but she says they only die on her.
                              Location....East Midlands.


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