... you're not trying hard enough 
Welcome to "Chaos Corner"

The back right hand corner of my garden is roughly 2.5m x 3m at a rough guess. Although not everything will "produce" this year (a few items aren't old enough), this are is CRAMMED full of happy plants (although the daylillies were struggling for a while, they seem to be bouncing back now)
In no particular order ...
2 x dahlia yams (cactus dahlias)
1 x queensland arrowroot (canna lily)
1 x dwarf quince
1 x persimmon tree
1 x medlar tree
1 x trifoliate orange tree (very young)
2 x giant bulgarian leeks
10 x electric daisies
1 x sage
1 x cardoon
1 x globe artichoke
4 x jerusalem artichoke
2 x daylillies
4 x chinese artichoke
6 x asparagus pea
2 x hyacinth bean
1 x rosemary bush
1 x lavendar
1 x brown turkey fig
1 x red rose "dame de couer"
1 x philadelphus (mock orange)
1 x yarrow
1 x feverfew
9 x skyscraper lillies
1 x blue ornamental grass
1 x black ornamental grass
1 x gas lamp
... and remember, that's just one corner of a 4m x 8m garden.

Anything is possible if you're stupid enough

Welcome to "Chaos Corner"

The back right hand corner of my garden is roughly 2.5m x 3m at a rough guess. Although not everything will "produce" this year (a few items aren't old enough), this are is CRAMMED full of happy plants (although the daylillies were struggling for a while, they seem to be bouncing back now)
In no particular order ...
2 x dahlia yams (cactus dahlias)
1 x queensland arrowroot (canna lily)
1 x dwarf quince
1 x persimmon tree
1 x medlar tree
1 x trifoliate orange tree (very young)
2 x giant bulgarian leeks
10 x electric daisies
1 x sage
1 x cardoon
1 x globe artichoke
4 x jerusalem artichoke
2 x daylillies
4 x chinese artichoke
6 x asparagus pea
2 x hyacinth bean
1 x rosemary bush
1 x lavendar
1 x brown turkey fig
1 x red rose "dame de couer"
1 x philadelphus (mock orange)
1 x yarrow
1 x feverfew
9 x skyscraper lillies
1 x blue ornamental grass
1 x black ornamental grass
1 x gas lamp
... and remember, that's just one corner of a 4m x 8m garden.

Anything is possible if you're stupid enough
