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Plot 47 - an update


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  • Plot 47 - an update

    Hi All,

    I thought I would provide an update on Plot 47 as it�s with this Forums help that it�s got to where it is today!

    We got the plot back in August, it had been mown down by the council but that�s about it, it wasn�t in the best of shape. The shed had no felt and looked like it would collapse!

    The first thing to do was to re-felt the shed and give it a paint, just so it would last the winter and hopefully give us a few more years of use!

    We uncovered the plot in spring, the covering worked but obviously didn�t kill off all the weeds in that short space of time, after careful consideration we decided to rotavate the plot, along with making some pallet compost bins.

    The first compost item, a mouldy onion that we found!

    We then found a local, not for profit organisation that deals with recycled wood, they take all the scrap wood from building sites etc, clean it all up and sell it. They are a great social enterprise and they really do help youngsters gain some very important skills. Not just that but they are cheap as well, plus were recycling wood that would have probably been skipped or burnt! We managed to get lots of wood to make some paths.

    All paths now in and some basic planting with some seedlings that we were raising in our temporary greenhouse in the garden.

    Mrs S is obsessed with Pinterest and wanted me to build a chair out of pallets for us to sit on whilst we drink our tea, eat lunch etc... so here it is! - Its in what is going to be our cut flower area (I have the veg, Mrs S has the flowers!) - This weekend I made a small path out of pallets so we didn�t need to keep laying down a scaffold board!

    The plot is now in full swing with lots of things planted:

    Potatoes, Onions, Garlic, Sweetcorn, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Peas, Globe Artichokes, Strawberries, Rhubarb, Purple sprouting broccoli to name a few!

    Not sure if it will all work yet, but it is our first year so all I�m hoping is we get some edible items! We did however pick our first produce yesterday, a single ripe strawberry and an onion that had gone to seed (I read they stop growing and may rot, so may as well pull them and eat them!) they were both pretty good tasting

    Thanks again for everyone�s help, not sure what I would do without reading lots of current and old posts, hopefully ill get to learn some more as time goes on and help others out as they start!

    Thanks for reading!

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Not sure why some of the pics havnt appeared in the post - after looking again, maybe this should be in the Allotment advice section as thats where others are?


    • #3
      Very nice work, I'm sure you'll get some fine crops this summer.

      I looked back to see your original post and see what you inherited...

      That's great progress you've made!
      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


      • #4
        The attachments in the first post are coming up as "invalid" and we can't view them ...

        ... but good job, the other pics look great
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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