Hi, I wasn't sure where to put this query - hope it's ok here. Short query: is it ok to plant (leafy) veg in ground where there are spanish bluebells? I believe they are very poisonous - is this likely to affect veg. grown near them?
Long query: I'd love to know what others would do with this area and/or whether anyone has had success in getting rid of spanish bluebells? I have slowly been picking them out of various beds I want to use for veg, etc. I have one area which has been cleared on top (and I intend to dig it over a little) but I haven't had a big bulb purge there and I fully expect the bluebells to return next year.
The patch is next to a wall and has a tall rose and a bushy fuschia and is located right next to my (newly placed) compost heap. I had though of using the patch for flowers/bee attractors in the future and plan to put a comfrey, borage, calendula, foxglove and maybe a honeysuckle there. I don't know whether to get going with this or wait and tackle the bluebells again first (I guess I'll need to wait until they show their heads again next spring?)
I'm also wondering if the ground is likely to be ok for veg? I have a few extra kale plants that I could really use the space for! I've also planted a squash near the compost but am pretty sure it's going to succumb to slugs
I'd actually love some advice on my whole garden plot as I have so many questions - would it be ok to upload a pic. for some opinions?
Long query: I'd love to know what others would do with this area and/or whether anyone has had success in getting rid of spanish bluebells? I have slowly been picking them out of various beds I want to use for veg, etc. I have one area which has been cleared on top (and I intend to dig it over a little) but I haven't had a big bulb purge there and I fully expect the bluebells to return next year.
The patch is next to a wall and has a tall rose and a bushy fuschia and is located right next to my (newly placed) compost heap. I had though of using the patch for flowers/bee attractors in the future and plan to put a comfrey, borage, calendula, foxglove and maybe a honeysuckle there. I don't know whether to get going with this or wait and tackle the bluebells again first (I guess I'll need to wait until they show their heads again next spring?)
I'm also wondering if the ground is likely to be ok for veg? I have a few extra kale plants that I could really use the space for! I've also planted a squash near the compost but am pretty sure it's going to succumb to slugs
I'd actually love some advice on my whole garden plot as I have so many questions - would it be ok to upload a pic. for some opinions?