First of all, I'm growing Pyramid Rainbow Chillis from I've got four plants in MPC sited in South facing windows, and all appear to be doing really well. I have been watering these when bone dry with tap water (pretty soft) and on alternate feeds adding Tomorite to a weak solution. Occasionally I might put these out in the back garden on some slug repellant matting to get a bit of air and let the pollinators at them.
My understanding (never having grown ANY chillis before, never mind these) is that picking the first chillis whilst green will help promote further flowering, which I can then allow to ripen through the spectrum of colours later in the season. I have had flowers and have some rather nice green pods developed/developing
Everything sounding OK so far?
I'm pretty happy with the way these are going, but if I need to be harvesting these fruits whilst green to start with, I have absolutely no idea when. I don't really have an appreciation of size or if there's other indicators I should be looking for.
Am I on the right track, and when should I be harvesting the first fruits?
My understanding (never having grown ANY chillis before, never mind these) is that picking the first chillis whilst green will help promote further flowering, which I can then allow to ripen through the spectrum of colours later in the season. I have had flowers and have some rather nice green pods developed/developing
Everything sounding OK so far?
I'm pretty happy with the way these are going, but if I need to be harvesting these fruits whilst green to start with, I have absolutely no idea when. I don't really have an appreciation of size or if there's other indicators I should be looking for.
Am I on the right track, and when should I be harvesting the first fruits?