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50% off seeds


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  • 50% off seeds

    Hope this is the correct place for this.

    Today I got an email from seed parade, use code JUL50 for 50% off all seeds this month.

    Seed Parade: Buy Vegetable, Flower and Herb Seeds


  • #2
    Thanks will order some now


    • #3
      This was a bad thread to see on payday...

      Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


      • #4
        Valid for the whole of July Mumbles


        • #5
          That it may be but as pay day was today best get some now before the pennies jump out of my purse 😙

          Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


          • #6
            Thank you Ceborame. Managed to get

            100 Black tomato cherry seeds
            15 cucamelon seeds
            500 lettuce four seasons
            40 sweetcorn extra early
            5 cucumber hybrid
            30 cauliflower
            50 hungarian hotwax
            500 lollo rossa lettuce
            15 big max pumpkin
            50 sweet pepper
            and 230 flower seeds

            all for less than �8 with postage

            Now to watch for the postman and hide the pack from the other half...


            • #7
              How stupid am I? I didn't think I could order more seeds. Maybe its s bad idea now I know that!


              • #8
                now look what you made me do!

                Order Content
                Product ID Product Name Price Quantity Total
                cauli p.c. Cauliflower Purple Cape 200 seeds �0.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.99
                cor atena Courgette Atena Polka F1 10 seeds �1.19
                (Not Taxable) 1 �1.19
                cuc lemon Cucumber Lemon 30 seeds �0.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.99
                cupa Cucumber Passandra F1 Hybrid 5 seeds �1.59
                (Not Taxable) 1 �1.59
                ham parsley Hamburg Parsley 2000 seeds �0.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.99
                lek blue Leek Blue Solaise 110 seeds �0.89
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.89
                sweetcorn sweet nugget Sweetcorn Sweet Nugget F1 40 seeds �1.29
                (Not Taxable) 1 �1.29
                sungold tomato seeds Tomato Sungold F1 5 seeds �0.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.99
                yard long Yard Long Bean 30 seeds �0.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.99
                black cherry tomato Tomato Black Cherry 100 seeds �0.19
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.19
                pepp Pea Purple Podded 100 seeds �0.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.99
                chilchenzo Hot Pepper Chenzo F1 8 seeds �1.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �1.99
                lave Lavender Vera 300 seeds �0.99
                (Not Taxable) 1 �0.99
                Subtotal Amount : �14.07
                Discount : �0.00
                Promo Code Discount : - �7.04
                Postage and Packaging (Royal Mail First Class) : �1.79
                Tax Amount : �0.00
                Total Amount : �8.82


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