Having been away for a couple of days I have a horrible feeling I may have been over-enthusiastic in the removal of side shoots. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I may have removed the growing tip as opposed to a side shoot. If I have, will something take its place? The plants in question are an Ailsa Craig and a Gardener's Delight. Neither plant has any flowers yet.
(For both plants I had three 'branches' looking a bit like this:
\ /
\ * /
The * denotes a growing leaf, and the shoot I removed. At th time I thought one of the ones on the side had the growing tip as there was more activity/new growth apparent there, but now I'm worried that that may have been developing leaves on a branch).
(For both plants I had three 'branches' looking a bit like this:
\ /
\ * /
The * denotes a growing leaf, and the shoot I removed. At th time I thought one of the ones on the side had the growing tip as there was more activity/new growth apparent there, but now I'm worried that that may have been developing leaves on a branch).