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What chilli variety are you growing


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  • What chilli variety are you growing

    Sorry if this has been asked before. What varieties of chilli is everyone growing this year. I'm only growing 5 varieties that I have grown before the rest are all new to me, there's a couple of hot ones

    Bhut Jolokia Ghost Chilli
    Hot Banana
    Indian Delhi Hot
    Black Naga
    Numex Big Jim
    Numex Pi�ata
    Ring of Fire
    Thai Dragon
    Trinidad 7 pot Brain Strain
    Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
    Tropical Heat ( mix of Habanero & Scotch Bonnet)

    I do wear gloves when handling the hot ones
    At the moment I have Lots of flowers & one baby hot banana

  • #2
    I'm only growing Bhut Jolokia Chocolate . . . they have been slow growing but I think I am about to get some flowers
    Last edited by RaptorUK; 09-07-2014, 08:10 AM.
    My allotment in pictures


    • #3
      This year I've not sown chilli seeds so I've only got my 2 overwintered Scotch Bonnets that was after looking in the freezer and seeing how many I'd got left from last year.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #4
        Hungarian Black: 5 or 6 plants. I have loads of flowers, and loads of pods, one turning red.
        Rocoto: I have pods on the ~9 year old one, and proto-flowers on the 5 or 6 grown this year.
        Paper lantern: 1 plant. From a garden centre, growing nicely, with flowers, but no pods yet.
        Orange Habanero: 1 plant. Overwintered, loads of young pods, two ripe ones harvested.

        Incidentally, shops such as ScrewFix do boxes of disposable gloves. having once deseeded loads of Jalapeno with my bare hands, and suffered hours of agony from red skin, I know that even mild chillis can hurt.


        • #5
          THis years line up:

          1 x overwintered hab orange
          1 x overwintered red savina
          1 x fairy light, now on it's 3rd year!

          From seed this year:

          apricot habanero
          Caribbean hot
          white habanero
          ring of fire
          nepalese snakebite
          topik f1
          jo's long
          autumn desire
          aji rainforest
          demon red
          lemon drop

          All growing a bit slower than last year....


          • #6
            I have about 4 each of:

            Lemon drop

            Strating to flower well now and a few have just set!


            • #7
              Five plants - one variety - Pyramid Rainbow


              • #8
                This year:

                x2 Purple Flash (variegated ornamental)
                x1 Tokyo Hot
                x1 Hot Lemon
                x1 Bhut Jolokia
                x1 Paper Lantern
                x3 Carolina Reaper
                x1 Fatalii
                x2 Espelette
                x1 Cayenne Golden
                x2 Goat Horn

                From 2013:

                x1 Peter / Penis Pepper
                x1 Thai Dragon
                x1 Moruga Scorpian
                x1 Fatalii
                x1 Orange Thai
                x1 Scotch Bonnet Red
                x2 Chinese Black
                x1 Peruvian Orange
                x1 Pulla aka Jinta

                From 2012:

                x1 Hot Lemon (well over 1m high!)


                • #9
                  Anaheim by 6 (from self saved seed- really healthy plants with lots of fruit already)
                  Cayenne by 1
                  Filius Blue by 4
                  Habanero by 5
                  Hungarian Black Wax by 2 (thanks to Scarlet)
                  Jalapeno by 2...have eaten plenty of these already...
                  Orange (my name for it) by 4
                  Padron by 2
                  Scotch Bonnet by 1

                  Also have some late started Red Hab & Lemon Drop to overwinter (hopefully)

                  ..still have some left in freezer from last year too
                  Last edited by Tripmeup; 09-07-2014, 04:29 PM.
                  I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                  ...utterly nutterly


                  • #10
                    Over wintered lemon drop (1) and habanero (2)

                    Rocoto x 4 are small but flowering
                    Dedo di mocha x 2 are flowering
                    Padron x 2 have fruits already
                    Chenzo x 2 have fruits already, though look suspiciously like they aren't true seed (grrrrr)
                    Habanero from saved seed x 2 flowering
                    Orange sweet pepper x 1 very small because I've failed to pot it on.
           - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                    • #11
                      What on Earth does everyone do with all these chillis? Does anyone actually use the superhots?


                      • #12
                        YES! the superhots make the best sauces and jams!

                        The cayennes I use in curries (I eat a lot of curry).


                        • #13
                          As chilli_grower said.

                          I also give quite a few away to friends / colleagues to try and then get their feedback.
                          A selection go into the freezer for the lean months
                          The bulk of my chillies though - maybe 2/3 of the total crop for the year - get dried and then flaked or powdered and made into various blends. I keep these in airtight jars and add a teaspoons worth to pretty up much everything I cook; sandwiches, omlettes, soup, bolognese, Indian, fish.. whatever.
                          Last edited by Philthy; 09-07-2014, 09:11 PM.


                          • #14
                            Im feeling a bit left out as only growing two varieties;
                            Basket of fire and
                            A Spanish novelty variety (not sure I can mention the name on here!!)
                            I'm defiantly gonna try some of the chillies mentioned above next year.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by bario1 View Post
                              What on Earth does everyone do with all these chillis? Does anyone actually use the superhots?
                              I have finished the orange habaneros I grew last year and I am desperately waiting for replacements. I would not grow naga, far too hot for me. Capsicum annuum are too mild and boring.


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