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How's your success rate been?


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  • #16
    Success rate much improved on previous year's.
    Taking down some trees has improved the light level in the garden, removing lots of old raspberries has freed up space for more veggies, an extra GH has given me more undercover space and the weather has been so good there have been very few slugs and snails around to destroy the courgettes - as they usually do.
    My best year ever for onions and courgettes - I'm a very happy little chicken
    Failures - nope, I've forgotten them already


    • #17
      This year (second year of growing) I decided to stick mainly to the things that grew well last year... or that probably would have if they were in the ground rather than buckets. Pleased to say I have more courgettes than I know what to do with and enough beetroot to not necessitate cutting one beetroot into six pieces so that everyone could have a taste (yes, i actually did this last year; I was excited to have grown something, what can I say)

      All in all, it's been a good year, so far. Pretty much everything germinated, which is nice; but some of it got scoffed by the slugs/snails, which is nothing short of annoying. I'm growing cukes for the first time and despite half of them showing no signs of any will to live, the three that are on the go are -to my surprise and utter glee- are thriving and absolutely delicious. When my toms finally turn red all will be well in my world


      • #18
        My first year on the allotment....and has been an overwhelming success.

        Courgettes have been incredible
        Im picking an armful of runners every day
        Onions were super
        Just started on the sweetcorn
        Dug a few parsnips and they're good
        Dug a few leeks and they're good
        Mangetout were brilliant
        Still digging spuds....very pleased so far
        Golden beetroot are wonderful

        The only thing i couldn't grow was carrots
        Please visit my facebook page for the garden i look after


        • #19
          My first full year in my veg patch and it's been good. The problems have been voles eating my beetroot, very poor crop because of that. Slug eating some of my chilli seedlings. Fairly sure the slug had belly ache because it was a ghost he ate & he was still sat next to the pot ( he was evicted from the tunnel ). Black birds eating 85% of all my soft fruit. Apart from that everything has do / still is doing very well.


          • #20
            Most of my stuff has done well. Don't know about maincrop spuds as they are still in residence.

            My beetroot have been a bit disappointing size wise, but they tase excellent. The same can be said for the carrots.


            • #21
              2nd year on my plot spuds ,broad beans runner beans good french beans slow to start but ok onions garlic did well .all carrots failed infact all seeds planted failed ?.cabbage cauli sprouts look well pumpkins gone mad look like a bumber crop overall a good year


              • #22
                Well it's my second year on my half plot and first year on my full plot.

                I also agree with Greenleaves and Teakdesk...I struggle to find failure in anything. I chalk it up to a good lesson learned, and/or I've done a silly thing. For example I planted some crystal cucumber plants under my bean stands and they went rampant and have taken out a load of beans. Lesson - don't plant courgettes, cucumbers, pumpkin or squash under a bean stand again.

                All in all though, I'm really happy I've learned from last year and have managed a good crop of carrots. Last year I sowed so thinly as I panicked about carrot fly and having to think I only had about 8 carrots. The aubergines and cucumbers in the poly are looking great. The melons last year died as they were in a cold frame and the compost may have been contaminated. This year they are going rampant in the poly. I've planted way to many courgette, squash and marrow. But I don't care as I love them all. I had a lot of difficulties with germinating beans this year. But I've learned loads for the multiple sowings and I ended up with so many plants, it's not a bad thing the cucumbers have taken some out.

                My salad leaves bolted quite early and my radishes haven't been great, but this just means I need to work out better growing techniques for both. I also had my half plot under water for 3 months and lost all my overwintering veg - Brussels, onions, garlic, leeks, other brassicas. Lesson - don't plant over wintering stuff on this plot, or at least only plant in the front two beds which don't flood.

                All in all, I was a happy LF last year and am even happier this year. I also think you can often learn more from mistakes than successes.

                Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


                • #23
                  I gave the impression that everything was superb on my patch this year, oh how easily we forget the failures, peas, I had two bowls of peas then the whole lot got mildew, some courgettes got it too, even my lupins and sweet peas got it. I have tried all the cures, milk, baking soda etc to no avail. Surely there is something? So no more peas or courgettes in the future until I have licked the problem.
                  photo album of my garden in my profile


                  • #24
                    It's my first full season and I'm happy with success rate so far.

                    I planted a lot of potatoes. The earlier ones - Lady Christl, Charlotte, Ratte - have all done really well; the later ones - Rooster, Cara, Maris Piper - are still blight-free and promising.

                    I've been picking three bunches of sweet peas a week since the end of May. Although still producing they are getting a bit tired and mildewy now, next year I'll do some proper soil preparation instead of just bunging them in to freshly cleared ground.

                    From the brassicas, my cabbages have done great, both the spring ones (just finished eating) and the summer ones (in full swing). Broccolli and kale are in good shape for later; only the cauliflowers have been disappointing with a tendency to run to seed this year. Oh, and the radishes have been and continue to be hopeless, the flea beetles are rampant.

                    Lettuce and other salad have been good, celery is promising although not quite ready yet.

                    Runners and french beans have been fantastic. I had a small crop of broadies too, enough to confirm that I still don't like them to eat.

                    Onions have been a mixed bag but I've got a decent amount dried out in the shed so mustn't grumble. Garlic got the rust but again I've got a nice plait hanging up.

                    Sweet corn is not yet ready but the plants are healthy.

                    My first ever courgettes and cucumbers have been productive and I've even had some tomatoes from my leftover plants that I bunged in.

                    My carrots are always poor but at least I've managed to eat a few fly-free ones.

                    So there's been some battles but I feel I've mostly come out on top this year.
                    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
                      So no more peas or courgettes in the future until I have licked the problem.
                      And there's your cure for mildew folks!!!

                      Cheers Bill HH
                      .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                      My Youtube Channel -


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
                        I gave the impression that everything was superb on my patch this year, oh how easily we forget the failures, peas, I had two bowls of peas then the whole lot got mildew, some courgettes got it too, even my lupins and sweet peas got it. I have tried all the cures, milk, baking soda etc to no avail. Surely there is something? So no more peas or courgettes in the future until I have licked the problem.
                        Water, water, water. Mildew strikes courgettes when they get too dry (or when it is windy and the wind sucks the moisture out of their big leaves). Not sure about peas and lupins, but peas certeinly benefit from plenty of water too.
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
                          I gave the impression that everything was superb on my patch this year, oh how easily we forget the failures, peas, I had two bowls of peas then the whole lot got mildew, some courgettes got it too, even my lupins and sweet peas got it. I have tried all the cures, milk, baking soda etc to no avail. Surely there is something? So no more peas or courgettes in the future until I have licked the problem.
                          I'm sure that will give Marb some hope Bill.
                          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                          • #28
                            Been a proper "Mixed Bag" this year!

                            All best laid plans went array with various episodes in real time life! My Missus being the first to half frighten me to death with her health hiccup! and work issues!

                            Not got half done I had planned! but that said! more than happy with the half I did do!

                            Got a few nice crops! some not so nice! n some disasters!

                            another year of learning done! n still stuff to play with!

                            All in all! well happy with this year,

                            now bring on the next!
                            "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                            • #29
                              Very happy with everything so far. Main crop spuds are still in the ground, a first for us. The earlies and second early spuds have been very plentiful. Runner beans are cropping well, as usual. Grossly over planted tomatoes, trickling in now, glut impending. Carrots and peas were ok. Probably wouldn't do peas again. Salad crops, all doing well. My first attempt at sweetcorn has been fantastic.
                              Overall, this container gardening is great for us. I couldn't imagine taking on the responsibility of an allotment and applaud all of you that do.
                              Nannys make memories


                              • #30
                                Despite the slug-fest of March and April it's been a pretty good year for just about everything so far. The best harvest so far has probably been blackcurrants....way too many.

                                My only complete failure were Cobra climbing beans - I'd sowed in pots and waited till mid-May to plant them out. They were healthy plants with good roots, but the whole lot died within a fortnight of planting out....won't bother with them again.

                                Blight struck here a few weeks ago, so we had to cut the potato haulms down. It hadn't spread to the tubers so no real harm done. So far the blight hasn't spread to the tomatoes, but I'm keeping a very close eye on them.

                                Looking like it might also be a good year for the winter veg, especially the sprouts and parsnips.


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