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looking for certain to sow this month for over winter.


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  • looking for certain to sow this month for over winter.

    What kind of peas bean leeks or onions can I sow now that will see me over winter?

    Any specific names?
    Thanks guys
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  • #2
    Hi Jen,

    You mean to 'overwinter' in the ground and eat in late Spring? None of those will crop during winter except leeks, and you're possibly a bit late to get those in now unless you can find good plug plants somewhere...


    • #3
      If you plant beans and peas (dwarf and speedy varieties) now you might be able to get a decent crop if the weather stays good before the weather gets too bad, but they won't last all winter.
      I can't see leak or onions getting to a big enough size to get a good crop during winter.

      Kale, chard, oriental greens and winter salads are good for winter crops, but they need to be a decent size before the first frosts or they won't grow too well (they will slow down a lot anyway).


      • #4
        I'm going to plant a load of leap crops in the next couple of weeks, and stick them under a cloche later on. I have a 3m long cloche that's just sittingf around otherwise, so may as well put it to use.

        The only things I expect to sow this year are onions and garlic in November.
        Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


        • #5
          You can sow Japanese over wintering onions but they won't be ready for harvest until next summer.
          Onion Senshyu Semi-Globe Yellow Seed - Suttons Seeds and Plants

          I sometimes grow Ishikura or Shimonita onions from a late summer sowing; these are useful as a slicing long onion, like a thin leek, for use over winter - as long as it doesn't freeze too hard.
          Japanese Bunching Onion 'Ishikura' | Fruit & Veg from Spalding Bulb

          Buy Shimonita Spring Onion Seeds Online | Unwins Seeds

          Other seed suppliers can be found


          • #6
            Japanese onions shenshu yellow will overwinter.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 4390evans View Post
              What kind of peas bean leeks or onions can I sow now that will see me over winter?

              Any specific names?
              Thanks guys

              Got to agree with other replies that it is too late now to sow seeds of anything to eat during winter except maybe perpetual spinach or kale. If you can get to a good garden centre or order off the internet there will be advice on sowing and harvest times for seeds available.

              Similarly, if you can find any plants to buy then the grower will be able to tell you the likely cropping time.

              Oh, you can sow spring onion seeds now in soil, pots or containers that will keep you in onions over winter.

              Edit: what I'm trying to say is see what you can find rather than try in vain to locate something recommended by the vine!
              Last edited by teakdesk; 07-08-2014, 06:23 PM.
              The proof of the growing is in the eating.
              Leave Rotten Fruit.
              Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
              Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
              Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


              • #8
                There are some things you can plant now to eat over the winter, but they could do with a bit of protection and you have to be prepared for a disappointing crop. Quite a lot of these are brassicas and you will need to protect them from butterflies or you risk the lot being eaten by caterpillars.

                Oriental greens eg choy sum, pak choi, mizuna
                Turnips, mooli and radishes (check the sowing dates as some varieties are quicker to mature than others)
                Some varieties of carrot (again check the packet)
                Spring cabbage
                Spring onion
                Winter lettuce
                Spinach beet and chard
                Last edited by Penellype; 07-08-2014, 08:36 PM.
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Penellype View Post
                  . Quite a lot of these are brassicas and you will need to protect them from butterflies or you risk the lot being eaten by caterpillars.

                  Don't start me off on caterpillars, they have eaten everything of mine!!


                  • #10

                    Giant winter spinach is a good bet and I have also just planted Bloomsbury spinach fast growing and will get a good crop off before winter sets in up in the north east.

                    Plant spring cabbages for next year and jap onions

                    Little snowball turnips also however unless it's under cover get prepared for an early start in spring next year

                    Happy gardening

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