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Autumn or spring planting onion sets


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  • Autumn or spring planting onion sets


    I bought some onion sets cheaply in the sale (10p) about two months ago. They don't say when to plant or harvest - will they be suitable for autumn planting? They haven't sprouted at all.

    Thank you in advance for any advice, which is greatly appreciated! 
    Last edited by melissa86; 19-08-2014, 11:46 PM.

  • #2
    Hello Melissa and welcome to the Grapvine.
    Does it say what variety they are?
    They'll be old stock from last season. Are they still firm?


    • #3
      I've got some sturon sets from a similar sale. They can withstand cold so if not a pig of a winter should be OK. I intend planting them this week.

      If they don't grow I've only lost pennies!
      The proof of the growing is in the eating.
      Leave Rotten Fruit.
      Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
      Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
      Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


      • #4
        Thank you so much for replying and for the welcome!

        I have Stuttgarter and Centurion - they seem firm still so fingers crossed!

        Thank you again for the advice, hope yours turn out well! ☺


        • #5
          I bought some cheapo onion sets and couple of months ago and planted them straight away. They're all growing but may not come to much over winter. As has been said - its only pennies
          Stuttgarter and Centurion are intended for Spring planting.


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