I'm spending the day sorting out the tunnel (I'm on a tea break right now
Several of my cucumber plants have been slowly dying over the past week or so. The change of weather here was quite drastic and even although we have had some sun, it's a lot colder each day now generally (2C last night in the tunnel
) and after fruiting prolifically for weeks, they are clearly winding down now and some of the stems have mould on them and are beginning to rot. Others are yellowing badly and looking limp and near death.
I've binned the worst, ones that had no fruit left on them or buds trying to form. However I've got one plant in particular that has one baby cucumber on it. The plant isn't looking great but it is a bit healthier than the ones I binned.
I could use the space as I want to set up a small blowaway thing inside the tunnel (shelves with a cover basically) and put my chillis in here just so I can keep them warmer outside for a while longer but I can't bring myself to bin this one cucumber plant if the baby cuc has a fighting chance.
So, what do you think? Do you reckon it might still grow? (It's about an inch and a half maybe and quite skinny at the moment.) Or will the decreasing temps knock it for 6 now?
Maybe I could knit it a scarf.
I'm sure I didn't agonise over 'growing' the kids this much.

Several of my cucumber plants have been slowly dying over the past week or so. The change of weather here was quite drastic and even although we have had some sun, it's a lot colder each day now generally (2C last night in the tunnel

I've binned the worst, ones that had no fruit left on them or buds trying to form. However I've got one plant in particular that has one baby cucumber on it. The plant isn't looking great but it is a bit healthier than the ones I binned.
I could use the space as I want to set up a small blowaway thing inside the tunnel (shelves with a cover basically) and put my chillis in here just so I can keep them warmer outside for a while longer but I can't bring myself to bin this one cucumber plant if the baby cuc has a fighting chance.
So, what do you think? Do you reckon it might still grow? (It's about an inch and a half maybe and quite skinny at the moment.) Or will the decreasing temps knock it for 6 now?
Maybe I could knit it a scarf.
