Apart from cabbage whites how far do you all go with netting regards birds, rabbits etc on you're allotment?
Where I am after chatting to some of the other allotmenteers (is that what we're called lol) everyone is saying net everything as there's rabbits, someone's seen a deer, pigeons etc and some poor lad had all his sweet corn eaten
I don't want to turn a blind eye to it but before I started all I was thinking of netting was brassicas and keep the slugs under control
Is this the usual done thing? I'll be growing pretty much everything bar carrots
Where I am after chatting to some of the other allotmenteers (is that what we're called lol) everyone is saying net everything as there's rabbits, someone's seen a deer, pigeons etc and some poor lad had all his sweet corn eaten
I don't want to turn a blind eye to it but before I started all I was thinking of netting was brassicas and keep the slugs under control
Is this the usual done thing? I'll be growing pretty much everything bar carrots