Do you think this would work? I've got loads of morrisons pots lying around and next year should be my first year having a go at growing potatoes in the ground
To save a bit of earthing up I was thinking start one potato regardless if there earlies main crop etc in a morrisons pot then when they've got 12" top growth dig a trench about a foot deep and transfer the whole contents of the pot into the ground and earth up with what I've dug out plus extra if needed
What do you think? The only thing I could think of is it'll be harder digging the actual potatoes up
To save a bit of earthing up I was thinking start one potato regardless if there earlies main crop etc in a morrisons pot then when they've got 12" top growth dig a trench about a foot deep and transfer the whole contents of the pot into the ground and earth up with what I've dug out plus extra if needed
What do you think? The only thing I could think of is it'll be harder digging the actual potatoes up