I (like many other grapes) purchased some seed garlic from Wilko this year. I got 'Germidour' and decided to treat it to large modules to get it going. At the same time I planted some fat cloved Chinese garlic from the supermarket and some onion sets from Wilko - in exactly the same fashion.
All of the Chinese stuff is up, the onions look great, but, the Germidour has failed completely - all the cloves look like they are just going to rot.
Has anyone else had issue with theirs? I suspect that I have perhaps done something wrong, but, it seems odd that the onions and supermarket cloves have sprouted fine
All of the Chinese stuff is up, the onions look great, but, the Germidour has failed completely - all the cloves look like they are just going to rot.
Has anyone else had issue with theirs? I suspect that I have perhaps done something wrong, but, it seems odd that the onions and supermarket cloves have sprouted fine
