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Disappointing broad bean ...


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  • Disappointing broad bean ...

    I seem to have struck a problem ... so am posting this everywhere !!

    Last year I was lucky enough to swap some broad beans ... they were purple beans !!

    I have grown them on this year and have achieved a great little harvest ... there is just one itsey bitsey little snag ... the taste

    Eaten raw, even if they are small even tiny ... they are tough. If you boil them they go floury ... microwaves just split the skins Are they meant to be kept, dried, and then used in casseroles ???

    Does anyone else grow these little chaps? I don't like to be beaten ... could always sow some of them again and try as a late crop ??? These ones I grew through the winter ...

    ... so what do you think ????

    Flo .... ( puzzeled )
    Gulp ... I loved my vegetable garden, so here is my sad ballad:
    I nutured it for months and ate it in one salad. - Arnotd Zarett

  • #2
    Oh dear, how disappointing!

    Do you know what name they went by?

    I haven't come across a red-seeded variety myself.


    • #3
      Hi Flo, give my regards to Andy!

      I'm growing Epicure (red seeded) which I Autumn planted. I have picked a few young and they were really tasty. They don't get there full colouration until they are mature.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        have we met !! ?? Will tell Andy anyway !!

        Sadly I never knew the name of these beans but they could be Grando Violetto, as these too do not colour up until full 'blown' ...

        ... was wondering if they were a particular fava bean for converting into dips etc because they are get very floury when big and cooked !!

        Gulp ... I loved my vegetable garden, so here is my sad ballad:
        I nutured it for months and ate it in one salad. - Arnotd Zarett


        • #5
          I hadn't heard of these, am always interested in heritage beans. Might try some from:

          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            I had some purple broad bean seeds from a swap, I think from memory they were called 'Canadian Purple'. I haven't planted them yet, as I grew Crimson Flowered this year (lovely). However, from memory, there was a note somewhere saying they were great in 'broad bean hummus'. Could be they are the same as yours, as I expect a floury texture might lend itself to hummus. I will probably grow them next year - let you know how they go on.
            All at once I hear your voice
            And time just slips away
            Bonnie Raitt


            • #7
              Originally posted by Snadger View Post
              Hi Flo, give my regards to Andy!
              Very funny Snadger - took me a minute but I got there
              A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


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