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Help!! Cucumber problem...


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  • #16
    I got Crystal Apple from Sarah Raven - I think it is the same thing. Possibly a little late for this year though. I am growing some this year but not sure if I can save seed as I am growing a few different types of cucumber.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #17
      I got my seed from Baker creek seed company I don't know if you are allowed to import them or not, check it out first.
      I am new in cucumber planting, it is my first year, I don't know is it still ok to plant now but it does said to be suitable for "short planting season " . Keep in mind if you wish to save your own seed, you shouln't plant more than 1 cucumber ( in 0.5 km radius, if I am not mistake ) or they will cross pollinate each other if let to be open pollinated ( by insects ) and it will spoil your seed. But if you don't plan to save your seed than just go a head.

      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


      • #18
        That's seed-saving out for me this year then - I am growing 5 outdoor varieties and an F1 all-female hybrid (bought at Schipol airport) - Very glad our sons like cucumber!
        Happy Gardening,


        • #19
          Still okay to sow your cuke seed as it is fast to germinate and puts on growth quite rapidly.

          British by birth
          Scottish by the Grace of God


          • #20
            Great! I am going to try and get hold of some - thanks all!! I am currently growing a Mini (the one with the problem) that I bought as a plant to steal an early start :embarrassed: and two F1 female hybrids that look promising. yum!! My girls love cucumber!
            Lucie, Devon


            • #21
              Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
              That's seed-saving out for me this year then - I am growing 5 outdoor varieties and an F1 all-female hybrid (bought at Schipol airport) - Very glad our sons like cucumber!
              Shirley, You still can save your seed, but it will be a lot of work... You have to make sure they are isolated ( with a sort of enviromesh enclosure ) and hand pollinate them ( you use this methode if you have more than one cucumbers). But of course you shouldn't collect those from hybride source.
              Good luck if you wish to take the challenge

              I grow, I pick, I eat ...


              • #22
                I read an article the other week (which I now can't find, of course!!) which said that you should never feed cucumbers with tomato food as it makes the tiny fruit turn yellow, & drop off. It's high in the wrong things, apparently. Having lost most of my crop this way last year, I am using only the liquid from my wormery this year. Too early yet to know if it works. What do other people use, & does anyone else out there have the same problem?


                • #23
                  Oh! That is EXACTLY the problem I had..... Have fed them today, but not with tomato food, just with the seaweed one. Hope thats OK!!!

                  thanks so much - I bet thats the answer!!!
                  Lucie, Devon


                  • #24
                    I started a thread on cucumber feed recently as I came across a specialised water soluble feed for them with the NPK given as 36-0-12 as opposed to tomato feed which is usually about 18-0-36.
                    I was as surprised as my fellow grapes with the high nitrogen content. Unfortunately I can only seem to find it available in 25kg bags at about £45 a pop but will keep searching

                    British by birth
                    Scottish by the Grace of God



                    • #25
                      I have been feeding my cucs (some all female thing and marketmore) with tomato feed and they are thriving. In fact they are thriving so much I have had to start giving them away as they were taking over the house.

                      The wee cucs are growing rapidly.



                      • #26
                        I have to admit that last year I fed my three cukes with tomato feed on a weekly basis and they seemed to do very well thank you. This year I'm a bit more wary though, as growing to make a living isn't quite the same as growing for family to eat.

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • #27
                          I have seaweed too so would it be better to switch to that before I kill the poor things?

                          Mines this year are definately beginners luck!



                          • #28
                            I've never heard that about not using tom. food on cucumbers, maybe that's why I don't always get a big yield, but I've not had the problem of them going yellow & not developing apart from the odd one when they first start to fruit which I understand is normal & it's best to take off the first ones as they don't always develop properly. I tend to feed with whatever's to hand & have used tom. food & seaweed feed in the past but this year I've got an organic ready to use feed to try, you just put half a capful around the base of the plant once a week.
                            Into every life a little rain must fall.


                            • #29
                              Remember that seaweed is not packed full of the main nutrients, it is more of a tonic and growth stimulant. It's good, but it might not be enough for container veg on its own.


                              • #30
                                Caught our cat in the act of 'watering' the outdoor cucumbers I am growing in growbags - will this be harmful and should I now chuck the plants?
                                Happy Gardening,


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