Kohl rabi is a very popular veg here in Slovakia. We have a big one called Gigant, which looks very similar to Superschmeltz, and it does need spring sowing and a long growing season.
But some of the faster growing varieties are recommended for a second sowing in summer or under cover in autumn. I think it's not usually grown in winter because it can't handle frost, but it might grow very well during the winter in southern Spain. No harm in trying anyway.
Definitely those spindly seedlings haven't been getting enough light, even if it seems like plenty to you. They would probably be better sown directly in the ground, or maybe in a greenhouse or polytunnel or under a cloche.
But some of the faster growing varieties are recommended for a second sowing in summer or under cover in autumn. I think it's not usually grown in winter because it can't handle frost, but it might grow very well during the winter in southern Spain. No harm in trying anyway.
Definitely those spindly seedlings haven't been getting enough light, even if it seems like plenty to you. They would probably be better sown directly in the ground, or maybe in a greenhouse or polytunnel or under a cloche.