Nearing the end of the year now, we've had some frost and the summer veg is all gone. I thought it might be interesting to list the crops that are still going towards the end of November, so here they are (crops marked * have not yet been eaten for the challenge):
Outdoors – ready or nearly ready to harvest
Beetroot Boltardy*
Brokali Endeavour*
Cabbage Pixie
Carrot Autumn King
Carrot Eskimo
Carrot Marion
Carrot Nantes Frubund Fastcrop
Chinese Celery Kin Tsai
Corn Salad*
Komatsuna Comred (protected from frost with fleece)
Komatsuna Torasan
Leek Oarsman
Mizuna Red Knight
Namenia (protected from frost with fleece)
Potato Charlotte (1 bucket to harvest, moved to the garage to avoid frost)
Spinach Amazon
Spring Onion Ramrod
Wild Strawberry (a few nearly ripe fruit left)
In the growhouse, attempting to extend the season
Lettuce Relic (nearly finished)
Lettuce Valmaine
Strawberry Everbearer (a few green fruit left, not hopeful!)
Outdoors for later in the winter/spring
Broccoli Early Purple
Cabbage Spring Hero
Carrot Marion
Kohlrabi Vienna Mix
Leek Albana
Leek Oarsman
Spinach Giant Winter*
In the house – ready or nearly ready to harvest
Lettuce Mix (nearly finished)
Lettuce Valmaine
Mitsuba Mashimori
Pea shoots (Onward)
Pepper Snackbite Orange (2 green fruit remain)
In the house – successional sowings or for later
Alfalfa sprouts
Amaranth Red Army microgreens
Cress Curled microgreens*
Lettuce Valmaine
Lettuce Winter Gem
Mustard Green Frills microgreens
Radish Red Stem Sangria microgreens
Stored fresh in the house or garage for winter use
Onion Sturon (garage)
Potato Charlotte, Desiree, Sarpo Axona, Sarpo Mira (garage)
Tomato Roma, Shirley, Sungold, Sweet Aperitif (picked green and ripening in the house)
Outdoors – ready or nearly ready to harvest
Beetroot Boltardy*
Brokali Endeavour*
Cabbage Pixie
Carrot Autumn King
Carrot Eskimo
Carrot Marion
Carrot Nantes Frubund Fastcrop
Chinese Celery Kin Tsai
Corn Salad*
Komatsuna Comred (protected from frost with fleece)
Komatsuna Torasan
Leek Oarsman
Mizuna Red Knight
Namenia (protected from frost with fleece)
Potato Charlotte (1 bucket to harvest, moved to the garage to avoid frost)
Spinach Amazon
Spring Onion Ramrod
Wild Strawberry (a few nearly ripe fruit left)
In the growhouse, attempting to extend the season
Lettuce Relic (nearly finished)
Lettuce Valmaine
Strawberry Everbearer (a few green fruit left, not hopeful!)
Outdoors for later in the winter/spring
Broccoli Early Purple
Cabbage Spring Hero
Carrot Marion
Kohlrabi Vienna Mix
Leek Albana
Leek Oarsman
Spinach Giant Winter*
In the house – ready or nearly ready to harvest
Lettuce Mix (nearly finished)
Lettuce Valmaine
Mitsuba Mashimori
Pea shoots (Onward)
Pepper Snackbite Orange (2 green fruit remain)
In the house – successional sowings or for later
Alfalfa sprouts
Amaranth Red Army microgreens
Cress Curled microgreens*
Lettuce Valmaine
Lettuce Winter Gem
Mustard Green Frills microgreens
Radish Red Stem Sangria microgreens
Stored fresh in the house or garage for winter use
Onion Sturon (garage)
Potato Charlotte, Desiree, Sarpo Axona, Sarpo Mira (garage)
Tomato Roma, Shirley, Sungold, Sweet Aperitif (picked green and ripening in the house)