Hi, me again asking yet again more help 
More bad news for me.
I like to grow what i can from seed.
I have been into the polytunnel today to find 1000's of ants in my trays digging up all my seed. Seed that is sprouting as well. b*****d little things. They have taken 100's of seeds.
I want t o grow organic whenever possible.
Can i am anything to my potting soil? or something in there to deter them. Remembering that i am planting things direct also and have lots of dogs and cats around
There are 1000's of nests around so would not be able to pin point where they are coming from.
On a serpate note they steal the chicken food too

More bad news for me.
I like to grow what i can from seed.
I have been into the polytunnel today to find 1000's of ants in my trays digging up all my seed. Seed that is sprouting as well. b*****d little things. They have taken 100's of seeds.
I want t o grow organic whenever possible.
Can i am anything to my potting soil? or something in there to deter them. Remembering that i am planting things direct also and have lots of dogs and cats around
There are 1000's of nests around so would not be able to pin point where they are coming from.
On a serpate note they steal the chicken food too
