Nice to wear a cosy hoody out there today,its a bit breezy. Watered my seedlings,lettuce,spring onions,Brussels sprouts,also watered some onions & rocket in the blow away (have to tighten the poles everyday but it's still standing). Luckily it's just started raining for the few plants outside. Dead headed French marigolds,geranium,petunia & nasturtium (one nasturtium is growing strong,higher than the trellis now,about more 6inches & it will be at the top of the swing,it looks great,I can't believe it). It's in a raised bed,in a cosy spot next to the edge,so the roots are more sheltered than the nasturtium in my pots. I've raised the netting above my electric onion sets the shoots are 5-8 inches,a marigold flower has grown through a hole in the net,I can't move that bit,but it's ok.
