Had a look on-line for veg seed for 2016 and decided most of it was far too expensive. Went shopping at Wilco's and managed to get the majority of my 2016 seed list very cheaply, most packets being 60p to 80p a packet and buy two get one free.
I bought 13 packets and saved �3.00 spending about �10.00 in total
.Went to Morrison's to get some Elfe potatoes to use as seed spuds.......but they had none. Plenty of time for those anyway.
I then toddled off to the allotment and loaded a wheel barow of hoos muck (delivered for FREE to end of site) which was wheeled back to my plot. I then spread the muck on some greenhouse beds and raked it level. I then watered the whole lot to start the interaction between soil and muck
I will plant Spring cabbage into these beds shortly.
Pulled up some leeks that had bolted along with some kale and fed them to the chooks for a treat. They pounced on the kale like they had never been fed for a week!

.Went to Morrison's to get some Elfe potatoes to use as seed spuds.......but they had none. Plenty of time for those anyway.

I then toddled off to the allotment and loaded a wheel barow of hoos muck (delivered for FREE to end of site) which was wheeled back to my plot. I then spread the muck on some greenhouse beds and raked it level. I then watered the whole lot to start the interaction between soil and muck
I will plant Spring cabbage into these beds shortly.
Pulled up some leeks that had bolted along with some kale and fed them to the chooks for a treat. They pounced on the kale like they had never been fed for a week!
