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What I did today - 2015


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  • Picked up a Cherry (Stella) & a Plum (Czar) from �stretcher. They are now in large pots. Also re-installed Fish TV & only the babies have taken to it..............
    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • I'm nowhere near thinking on the lines of the fish BM!

      Want to get a grip of the beds! But far too wet!

      Now the props are out n service'd!

      Seed sowing in order tomoz!
      "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


      • Bought a Lemon Tree and a Kumguat Tree from the market for �4 each, filled 2 enormous tractor tyres I was given with compost - one for strawberries and one for blueberries (added ericaceous compost to that one).
        Built another raised bed, did a bit of maintenance to the shed and filled up my new rotating composter, so should have a fresh supply of compost in a few weeks.
        Oh, also built some new fencing.
        It's so good to be able to get so much time at the lotty without getting rained off.
        What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
        Pumpkin pi.


        • Bought and sorted seed tatties as advice on potato thread. Eggs had to go into bowls, I needed the boxes Made 4x4' bamboo trellises for future toms & peas. (100 x 4' bamboo canes for �6.50, thought that was a bargain!) Sorted floppy coriander with wire supports and finally just sown onion seeds


          • Originally posted by Deano's "Diggin It" View Post
            Harvested the last of the "Sprouts n sprout top's for Sunday dinner!


            Bagged a couple of chairs the local "Residential Care home" was wanging out!


            N had a right good tidy out of the shed!
            They are real pics of lottie deano wish we could have brassica cage where we are.
            Chairs are super could you not pinch 4 cheers Peter


            • Bought a bigger grow light...a 4' T5 reflector...


              • Ordered more seeds, five more packets, stopped at five, very pleased with myself. Swept up dead bits and leaves from trees and plants and wrestled with two Rottweilers and the sweeping brush, I won! Good day
                You may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one...

                I'm an official nutter - an official 'cropper' of a nutter! I am sooooo pleased to be a cropper! Hurrah!


                • made room in the garage for my daughters huge electric car!

                  Finally got all the kelsaes potted on, and put on my daughters windowsill. (They simply will not fit under the grow lights anymore).
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by chilli_grower; 15-02-2015, 01:52 PM.


                  • I set up my grow light/grow station under the bed in the spare room!

                    Used an old aquarium light

                    Attached Files


                    • We dismantled fruit cage, some of the wooden posts had actually rotted through. So now we have to construct another one, without damaging the raspberry canes. Gonna be quite a big job.


                      • I have sown some leeks!
                        And we went and helped dismantle a greenhouse for Andy (Samurailord)
                        Last edited by alldigging; 15-02-2015, 03:26 PM.


                        • Filled out a raised bed with soil I skimmed of a ploughed field. Transplanted some chillies into tiny pots. Planted some Money maker tomato plants.

                          Set up my autopot system in the poly tunnel - only about 4 months to go before I can use it - not over eager there much!!


                          • Played hunt the rat hole
                            Finally finished mulching round the fruit trees


                            • Nice productive day in my friend's garden. Planted another 3 pots/bags of Rocket potatoes in the greenhouse. Constructed a blowaway to go in there and put said potatoes in it.

                              Rearranged the shelving a bit and dicovered that the pane of glass that is missing at the back had slipped down behind the lower pane, which has a hole in a top corner that I could get my hand through. A bit of careful wiggling and pulling and the assistance of a couple of glass clips have got it back into position, if not hugely secure (there is no access from outside).

                              Fitted the shelving into its new position and checked that my plan for shelving and gro-beds will work - always nice to see that everything fits in reality and not just on paper! The greenhouse now looks completely different from a month ago, with new shelving replacing rotten wooden planks on piles of bricks and tarmac chippings replacing a messy mixture of plastic bags, soil and tree roots on the floor. Very pleasing. I don't have any photos, as its not mine to take photos of.

                              After lunch I decided to go back and tackle another largish job. Last year I built a 2ft x 4ft hotbed, and then later put a nearly 2ft x 4ft lasagne bed next to one long side. The idea was to convert these into a 4ft x 4ft raised bed, and take the hotbed sides elsewhere. There were some nice chunky bits of wood the right length available (some of the old greenhouse shelves). It took me all afternoon, but I now have an empty compost bin and a nice new raised bed with a layer of part rotted compost at the bottom, then the part rotted horse manure from the hotbed, then the layer of proper compost that was on top of both beds put back on top. I reckon that should grow some nice onions if I add a little BFB when I plant them.

                              I am now extremely stiff, but contented
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Has been a good weekend, dug out my raised beds ready for planting out in march, planted seed trays with onion/parsnip and some toms, made a gutter seed tray for onion sets...looking good so far, listed what I want to plant this year...oh! and bought a Blackberry bush(Nataro) from my local nursey, planted into a bucket for now, lots to look forward to.
                                Girls are like flowers, a little attention every day and they`ll blossom.


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