Sowed the first seeds of the year: broadies. I'm going to do less of everything this year and not be a slave to the lotty. If we get another spring drought, I'll not be up there watering all day. It'll be interesting to see what survives
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What I did today - 2015
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Originally posted by Two_Sheds View PostSowed the first seeds of the year: broadies. I'm going to do less of everything this year and not be a slave to the lotty. If we get another spring drought, I'll not be up there watering all day. It'll be interesting to see what survives"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!
Just back from the plot. Onions and shallots planted. A row of peas under a mini tunnel and all the main beds forked over and ready (ish) to plant. It was a glorious day, clear blue skies, sunshine and a light breeze. I am now officially 'pooped', but feeling very pleased with myself!
What a lovely day to spend gardening, was really good to feel the sun on my back. Well I now have a gate to the plot still no fence but now have a formal entrance. Onions in and dug the trenches for the spuds and lined with some well rotted manure.
Bird song and sunshine, all in all a perfect day
Had a "back yard" day looking after the Overwintered cutting etc!
Was gunna hit the plot then realised the local "Football" team was at home playing the quater finals!
Not a chance in hell of getting anywhere near!
So it shall be a relaxing Sunday!
Can't wait!"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"
Today I took my last 8 Chrysanth cuttings then went down the allotment, cleared another bed of weeds and planted out 25 rooted strawberry runners relocated from my back garden.
One more bed to dig and my plot will be ready for its March calendar photos. Maybe tomorrow!
Planted broccoli seeds, some peas and pricked out cauliflower.
The picture is just of some stuff that's growing in the polytunnel - the winter lettuce is coming on, the onions have survived and the kohl Rabi is growing away in the centre. Those are peas in the home made pots - just coming throughAttached Files
I also bought a couple of these - from Lidl. Self watering planters - no idea if they work or not - but they were only �4 and you'd pay that for just a big planter of that size anyway.Attached Files
Finally got the shed done today. Here are a few pics of the entire job.
I just have to sort the guttering out on it next, and fit a couple of shelves.
The base consists of slabs cemented down onto some compacted scalpings.
THe base frame is 2 x 2, the floor is 1 inch ply, and the shed itself is a rock solid 3 x 2 construction.
In between the frame I belted into the ground some 4ft lengths of angle iron and bolted these to the frame.
That should stop the wind having it!
Should last 10 years!!!!!Last edited by chilli_grower; 07-03-2015, 06:53 PM.
Went out on a motorbike with the OH, then popped down to the plot to do some more hoeing - I did very little hoeing today.
The seedlings in the blowaway (inside the greenhouse) were a little warm so rescued them and set up some shading, caught up with a few folks, watered everything that needed it.
I sowed 12 Bunyards Exhibition and 12 Aquadulce broad beans, then 12 Kelvedon Wonder and 12 Balmoral peas, and the remains of last year's Swift F1 sweetcorn (14 seeds) in a small self-fashioned propagator.
Today I dealt with my first earlies. Due to a series of vermin related potato incidents last year I am growing less spuds this year. A couple of Swift and Red Duke of York in bags in the GH in a mix of last years growbags, coir and bfnb. Looked quite appetising. I also chanced a short row of each in the safe zone outside.
Also, deconstructed a pallet and did a bit more of my raised bed edging - coming along. Sowed a few more random broad beans and peas.
Blew bubbles, had races up and down the garden (which I am obliged to lose), got shot at with a pop gun. Had to be the 'baddie' fighting and losing against Iron man. So, did not get as much done as I'd intended. But was fun.While wearing your night clothes, plant cucumbers on the 1st May before the sun comes up, and they will not be attacked by bugs.
Planted a couple of dozen well chitted early seed tatties in tubs of my home made compost in the greenhouse.
watered the onion sets that are showing growth; they are in cells of mpc on a potting bench in a covered area between my greenhouses... they should be be ready for planting out in a week or so.
Spent the morning having a clear out / tidy in the GH. Took Henry in there and sucked up all the accumulated leaves, plant ties, bits and pieces left over from last year's activities.
Next weekend I'll be cleaning the glass inside and out (hopefully the weather is as good as it is today)
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