Tidied up the bottom greenhouse a bit. Still more to do.
Made a framed poly 'lid' for one of my water tank planters. It's kinda apex like so the rain should drain off. The frame sits under the lip - so hopefully it won't blow away. Got fed up with the makeshift cover (two transparent plastic sacks) chasing the plastic around and having to refit it after the rain made it sag was becoming a chore! Hopefully the carrots will like it and germinate now.
Made a framed poly 'lid' for one of my water tank planters. It's kinda apex like so the rain should drain off. The frame sits under the lip - so hopefully it won't blow away. Got fed up with the makeshift cover (two transparent plastic sacks) chasing the plastic around and having to refit it after the rain made it sag was becoming a chore! Hopefully the carrots will like it and germinate now.
