lightly forked over the rose bed removing weeds and potted up dahlia seedlings to grow on then stained the garden table and chairs they might last another year or two now
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What I did today - 2015
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Saturday- not exactly the full day at allotment I planned- 108 miles between 11 and 4 doing errands for a variety of family members. Got some weeding, watering and pricking out done.
Sunday- Lovely day( my birthday) - had a barbeque at the allotment with children and grand children. planted honeysuckle, clematis, delphininiums, cauliflowers and wattle( bithday gift, i'm Australian but have enjoyed living here since I was 22). Watched sunset from log bench- a perfect end to the day . I do love being at the allotment.
Today- bought horticultural sand on way home from work, took it to allotment and planted fern by pond. Watered everything and did some more potting on. Home at eight.
I need more hours in the day- I want to read all the posts that I have missed and I have a pile of questions but by the time I get back and sort out dinner I barely have time to record what I have done and then get to bed in time to get up at six.No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.
Sowed 48 sweetcorn seeds that i had kept from my own crop last year. Potted on 6 Sungold tomatoes and 3 Jalapeno plants into bigger pots. Two pumpkins potted on and one placed in the polytunnel to normalise itself where it will eventually be grown.My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Yesterday - moved an unhappy madame van hecke to somewhere I think she'll be happier. She was stunning a few years ago...I hope to see her put on a display next year.
Sowed some dwarf beans indoors.
Carried the parsley outside that I sowed a fortnight ago.
Smiled at my potato plants all poking up from the ground looking nice and healthy.
Used an edger to determine the boundary bettween the grass and veg patch, as the grass didn't seem to know its place. Then put in a bit of plastic border I had to keep it that way.Last edited by Snow; 21-04-2015, 08:36 PM.
Glorious late afternoon so went to the plot after work. Planted out my globe artichokes and sunflowers and 6 more broad beans. Hoed the onions and shallots. Uncloched (? is that a word?) the second row of peas and generally smiled a lot. Fruit trees in blossom and the birds absolutely deafening (and I am hearing impaired). Lovely!
Picked up some glass to start repairing derelict greenhouse at allotment, sat by pond and watched the tadpoles and diving beetle for longer than I intended contemplating where next batch of seedlings are going to go. It is easy not to make a decision when the sitting is so pleasant!
Broad beans are flowering and two spears of asparagus have appeared. Peas showing themselves on border of two beds.No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.
the not so pleasant job of shredding last years Buddleia branches had a large pile in the garden drying out to make shredding easier along with rose stems and anything else twiggy and prickly old alko electric shredder does a good job when the branches are dry only got stuck once now time for an after noon snooze before leaving for work and no i don't want to go
- 6hrs on plotty, planting flowers, peas, broadies, Frenchies, salad & potatoes
- a little bit of weeding, just speedwell really. The permanent mulch is doing a great job, AND the soil underneath is nice and moist, despite us having drier-than-usual March & April
- sowed mange tout, sweetcorn & coreopsis in the heated prop (it's still cold in the gh)
- sowed even more grass seed, I suspect it's not germinating because it's colder than April usually is
- spuds are showing in sis's new plot, so I mulched them with wet Timeses & grass clippings
- planted her some salad, more peas, fuchsias and more grass seed
- put some lupins in the allotment border, which is looking great and virtually weed free (it too has a permanent mulch of chopped up plant prunings & weeds). Its daffs are over now, but alyssum, wallflowers, primula, cerinthe and tulips are all out
- dandelions have suddenly opened, everywhere. They're vital for bees, but I don't want them in my lawn, so out they came. They do make road verges look pretty, so I hope the council doesn't mow them all off. If they reduced mowing to once a year, and let the wildflowers grow, our bees and butterflies might come back in greater numbersAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
what I did today
Planted out the last of my runner beans "Polestar", 3 aubergines "Moneymaker, Black Round & Black Beauty", 2 more courgettes "Black Beauty", Spanish cucumber "Alficoz". Finished off a bit of weeding in one of my beds. Put strings round the dwarf (HAHAHA) peas "Douce Provence" to keep them upright. Noticed that my 3rd sowing of peas are now poking their little shoots through the soil - we love fresh peasIn fact everything looks jolly fine and dandy this year. Now trying to fit 18 sweetcorn plants into a space that is not really big enough
Also earthed up my 3rd row of Vivaldi potatoes. What a busy day
Just think happy thoughts
Got the final three beds on my allotment ready for planting with a sprinkling of growmore, rake to a tilth (to the extent possible on stony clay), debris net erected over the sprout bed.
Admired the optimism of my newbie plot neighbour who has got his runner beans and sweet corn planted out already.
Came home and potted on my tomato plants and sowed some basil, rocket and sorrel in pots.
Confirmed with RHS which variety of raspberry I want to replace the dead one from the 10 I planted... Got email back saying they'll send me 5 more!!! Great customer service! Should be here by Friday!
Turned one of the compost heaps into the empty one. Back breaking work!
Potted on tomatoes, lettuce, cauliflower.
Sowed pumpkin, more peas, more PSB, sweetcorn, etc. Planted 15 spuds.
Put debris netting around brassica cage.
Bought more compost.
Collected the eggs.
Dug up some reeds from near the stream and planted them further along the bank.
Dug in root barrier around new raspberries. Realised water butt is empty so I must have left the tap running yesterday... Ggrrrrrr.
Potted up 48 Free (paid P&P) perennial flower plugs from T&M. Excellent condition - well pleased with them. Delphinium, Geum, Digitalis and Coreopsis.
Also potted up various brassica seedlings and planted out mixed lettuces into the GH border.
Did a bit of weeding, a bit of pruning, a bit of thinking and plotting and generally had a good day doing not very much
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