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What I did today - 2015


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  • Had a fairly ruthless weekend. Cut down the last 2 PSB plants as they were covered in flowers and not much else and in the way of the potatoes. Cut down the flat leaf parsley which was about 3ft high and seemed to have turned into a triffid, in danger of completely obscuring my clematis. Pulled up the remaining leeks, most of which had bolted, and the first pot of spinach, which had also bolted. Made soup out of the usable parts. Cut all 3 of my spring hero cabbages, which seemed to have gone on strike this year having produced very little growth since March. Ate the middles for tea. Pulled out the pak choi which had bolted and seemed to be a magnet for "cuckoo spit" - yuck.

    Took down the blowaway greenhouse covers from the cold frame as they were in danger of decapitating the tomatoes in the wind. Replaced them with plastic cloches weighted down with bricks which will have to do until the storms have gone (hopefully by Tuesday evening). Put up a tripod for the runner beans. If it stands up to the gales tomorrow night and Tuesday it should be ok for the summer.

    Also planted some tomatoes at my friend's house, and harvested more leeks, lettuces and some lovely big Rocket potatoes. Put up a wire in the greenhouse to try out a new method of training the tomatoes up strings (canes weren't great last year). Planted out some peas and cabbages.
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Potted up tomatoes one in compost/horse manure and perlite mix one horse manure/perlite, one horse man/seaweed/corse sand mix and one compost and corse sand mix, to see what gives the best growth and taste, also planted out runner beans, although may still be a bit cold, but the ash tree in the garden hedge is in leaf
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • It looks fab Dean! Green with jealousy- especially the asparagus. One more year to wait!

        Thought that I had almost finished digging because the first side was pretty clear by path and very quick by comparison to the nettle fest on the other side. Its done now and planted with 6 varieties of melons, 2 of cucumbers, 3 of chillies and 4 tomatos that I was given. I'm going to try the majority of mine outside. Lovely working in the polytunnel all day in the rain. Seemed fine in the gusts today but real test will come tomorrow night!
        No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


        • Took over a bucketload of grass clippings for mulch and checked the plot over. In spite of the thermometer saying we've had it down to 3.5C, runners still look happy as larry and unscathed. Woot!


          • Due to the awful weather I decided to do some jobs in the greenhouse today. My husband had got me a dozen new MFBs a few weeks ago so I decided to fill them with compost, water them and then let them warm up ready for planting my peppers into later in the week.

            I had just got them all full and watered when I realised...............................they were new buckets and didn't have any drainage holes.

            The compost came back out. I drilled them all and then the compost went back in. Just glad I realised before I'd actually planted the peppers.

            I also pulled another root of potatoes, more radish and a lettuce.

            It's nice to start reaping the results of my labours.


            • Sowed the last of the mangetout Bijou peas, also planted out the courgettes and pumpkins. Was a scorcher of a day for a change, takes ages to water the plot now and the toms arent even in yet.

              Cut loads of grass as well, need to get fence posts in for next years sheep. Plus learned a few pointers on my scything technique from the old farmer next door.
              Last edited by Ovce dom�c�; 31-05-2015, 10:15 PM.


              • Your radishes look fantastic Deano! Well done.

                I made a gate for my lottie on Friday at my woodwork class. Whether it is going to fit the not-very-square gap in the fence is quite another matter!
                My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



                • Nipped in to the plot on my way to work to tie up the new growth on the runner beans ahead of the gales forecast for later today... Eeep!


                  • The weather outside still looks overcast, so I've given the greenhouse a much needed tidy and potted up some new brassica seedlings. Might have actually got the hand of successional sowing this year!
                    Adventures in growing exciting and unusual edibles!


                    • I tied in my cordon sweet peas and then weeded my maincrop onion bed. It felt quite chilly in the wind so now I've come home to warm up.
                      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                      • Originally posted by Penellype View Post
                        Looks brilliant Deano - I have those same grow beds, and tried to grow lettuces in them last year but they didn't really work so I must be doing something wrong! Yours look fabulous.
                        "lady P" I tried the beds ya on about last year and failed miserably! Just didn't give me any rewards! So "Scrated" my head over winter as to why!

                        My assumption was they dry out too quickly n didn't have any "Umph" in em!

                        So half emptied, topped up with home made compost n added a few slack handfuls of water retaining gel!

                        Great results from the lettuce! Notice in the picture, middle bed now has "Celary" never grown before! But will keep you updated with results! But yeah! They are doing massively better this year!
                        "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                        • Today I potted on some melons,they're indoors still. Found a new area of grass to dig up for some tomatoes,put a trellis in place,but haven't planted them yet because it's too windy. I'm wondering about having nasturtium or petunia or both,in pots,tied half way up the trellis,to have some colour trailing down between the tomato plants & for beneficial insect attraction,plus it faces my patio door & could look nice,depending on how I do this & if my nasturtiums ever flower.
                          Location : Essex


                          • Benny Hill impressions trying to lay some garden felt. It was a hot day with the odd gust of wind, nearly ended up parasailing at one stage. Got it down in the end.


                            • Got the tomatos planted out, weeded and earthed up the broccoli, trimmed the edge of the plot.


                              • Lots of potting on in the greenhouse, until I decided it wasn't the best place to be when I saw the conservatory roof lift and the new fence panel blown out


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