A productive couple of hours on the plot today.
Hoed over the area at the bottom of the cane wigwam where i originally sowed my climbing french beans in situ. Nothing came up apart from weeds. Planted out about a dozen second sowing of beans which wasn't much better as these were all i got from a full packet sown in modules.
Pulled up a bit more comfrey until the bees protested too loudly so left it for yet another day.
Lifted my Autumn planted japanese onion sets. Half were the red type and half the normal type (Senshyu i think?) Put the reds inside to dry off but just heaped the normal ones on my park bench in the middle of the plot as i had no room. Weeded the bed and applied a granular fertiliser. Planted out Black kale covered by netting and more Leeks in the cleared bed. I know leeks are an allium but i never get anal about crop rotation as long as it is rotated now and again.
Ate a goodly amount of gooseberries,raspberries,blackcurrants and strawberries as i was working.

Lifted my Autumn planted japanese onion sets. Half were the red type and half the normal type (Senshyu i think?) Put the reds inside to dry off but just heaped the normal ones on my park bench in the middle of the plot as i had no room. Weeded the bed and applied a granular fertiliser. Planted out Black kale covered by netting and more Leeks in the cleared bed. I know leeks are an allium but i never get anal about crop rotation as long as it is rotated now and again.

Ate a goodly amount of gooseberries,raspberries,blackcurrants and strawberries as i was working.