Put a roof on the 'aviary ', we have got 3 geese on the plot now, and are prepping to get choocks beginning, midlle of Septembe , so trying to get everything ready for thrm.
I'm not hsppy sith the geese - when they were small, they could be left to their own devises a bit, but now they are maturing, they are becoming greedy, as I discovered when I found them tucking into my turnips
Needless to say, this bed now has a net covering it.
They also had a peck at my runners... Hmmmmm... finding out quickly that geese are not ideal partners with a vegetable grower...
Dug another bed, in preperation for next year. Weeded a bit and tidied around.
I'm not hsppy sith the geese - when they were small, they could be left to their own devises a bit, but now they are maturing, they are becoming greedy, as I discovered when I found them tucking into my turnips

Needless to say, this bed now has a net covering it.
They also had a peck at my runners... Hmmmmm... finding out quickly that geese are not ideal partners with a vegetable grower...
Dug another bed, in preperation for next year. Weeded a bit and tidied around.