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What I did today - 2015


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  • finally planted out my runner beans and mini pop sweetcorn, they have been screaming at me to plant out for ages but down to the worst hayfever, i let them suffer and lost a few in the process.

    first time for me for both these plants and really enjoyed scavenging for bamboo to make the climbing frame and i am impressed by the OH hard work of constructing it

    also 2 black beauty courgettes and 3 crystal lemon cucumbers planted out.
    I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



    • 6 of my sweetcorn and 1 yellow crookneck squash had chitted, so I put them into 3" pots to grow on. Seriously starting to run out of windowsill space now!!


      • Lost my butternut squash and a pumpkin I had in the polytunnel to frost!. Covered the soft plants I had in the greenhouse with fleece and had no losses! Glad i did now!
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • Finished "building" my pallet compost bin. Looks a bit odd due to different size pallets, but should do the job.
          Last edited by nerobot; 29-04-2015, 04:51 PM.


          • Sowed flowers, beans and sweetcorn in greenhouse. Edged and manured new bed and planted cabbages- round and savoy with some icelandic poppy plants at corners. Will intercrop with something tomorrow when I look through seeds.

            Raked and planned new narrow bed which will be parallel to greenhouse bed. Virgin soil with MANY nettles and the odd backberry thrown in for extra exercise.

            Tadpoles and water-boatman babies continue to charm.
            No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


            • Potted on my sweetcorn seedlings into 2 litre rose pots in the greenhouse - that should keep them happy till the weather warms up.


              • Watered almost everything, screened off front of derelict greenhouse (being used as storage for junk picked up and dug out of soil,glass, plastic mesh etc) until allotment skip arrives at end of May.
                No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                • Sowed a row of Cosmic Purple carrots, watered and weeded the rest of the root bed. Noticed a few parsnips were up with one true leaf - a few gaps though, will try more seed, but I think it's a bit late now.

                  Managed to get the allotment robin to land on my finger just for a second!


                  • Another bed edged with a couple of battons and dug over ready for planting I know not what!

                    Came home for a lie down now!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Planted 6 Red Russian Kale, 24 Bleu de Soleil Leeks, 24 King Richard Leeks, beetroot, radish, lettuce and turnip seeds in various pots and raised beds. Potted on 3 Cayenne Pepper, 2 Marketmore and 2 Crystal Lemon Q's
                      I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                      Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                      • Potted on some sage ,planted out some spring onions into long planters,moved some broad beans into there final 12 litre containers.

                        Sowed some yellow and black beauty courgettes ,spring onions ,runner beans ,spinach and mixed salad.


                        • Yesterday- not much to report, late to allotment. Planted hydrangea and 4 dahlias. Chopped nettle and comfry leaves. Weeeded asparagus, atichokes and onions.
                          No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                          • Today Ive potted on 32 French marigolds,into plastic cups. About 15 left to do,I had a break to mow the lawn,tidy the beds & weeds,now I'm having a really good rest,for longer than I'd imagined.
                            Location : Essex


                            • Cleared and finished burning old pile started when I cleared blackberries, ivy and nettles.

                              Made 2 wooden surrounds 8'x4' for raised beds and located after much agonising about where they should go. Rain tomorrow should make digging tolerable it would be nice to get them both done over weekend!

                              Pruned buddleia in communal area. Stripped long branches and incorporated in fence.

                              Delighted by constant calls and flight of lapwings- they turned up a week ago. I haven't seen them there before. Do hope they stick around for a while.
                              No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                              • Yesterday (it is raining today) I earth up spuds - potted on Aubergines - planted up a trough with peppers chillies and aubergines in GH. Planted out mange tout prepped bed for sweet corn

                                Despaired that I planted so early

                                Oh and moaned about the Cats alot little buggars
                                Last edited by TrysHard; 03-05-2015, 09:30 AM.


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