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What I did today - 2015


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  • Like Snadger, I have almost finished planting out seedlings- red russian, lovage,winter savory, stocks, marigolds, statice, calabrese, pak choi, indian mustard,nastursiums, celeriac, cucumbers and hyssop this afternoon.
    Saw a giant toad climbing out of pond this evening- he needs to get back to work on the slugs!
    Now I am going to try to catch up on the forum!
    No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


    • Originally posted by Snadger View Post
      In red............An excellent sentence to add at the bottom of your posts as your signature!

      PS Pigeons luuurve Seakale I found to my detriment when I lost mine! Be warned!
      Will do- thanks Snadger!
      No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


      • (Yesterday)

        Hand-weeded and watered the potatoes, onions, PSB and swede. Said hello to the sprouting French Beans, sowed some lettuce, dug over a small patch removing a large tub full of roots of horsetail, bindweed, thistle, couch grass and nettle and planted with borage, alkanet and sweet rocket.

        Topped some more thistles, weeded a bit here and there, pulled out some more rusty nails, screws and broken glass, which appears to be all this plot has grown for, according to one plotterer, thirty years.

        Planted out the last pumpkin. Found a corner for a couple of lupins.

        I'm glad it's raining today - it's been too dry lately! But I do have to say the plot is looking lovely. Way, way better and further ahead in less than two months than I expected. Thanks for all the advice!


        • Potted on some of my freebie plants from the weekend. Seeded some more carrots, lettuce, radish and spring onions (yet to get any so fingers crossed).
          Watered the various potted beans and the toms and peppers in the porch.

          Mr Lump is happily cutting up pallets to create low fencing for my back garden project. It will be low enough for us to step ov er but high enough to keep the mutts out.

          Used the large hanging basket I was given for some sugar snaps that will hopefully trail down.
          I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

          Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


          • Went to dig up some potatoes, and collect more ripe strawberries and to water! Ended up there for 2 hours, and picked all remaining broad beans, and have pulled them up now. They were falling over, getting brown spot and black fly.

            But when I happened to be in H......base earlier, they are still selling broad bean plants, bit late isn't it?


            • Planted out more tomato plants today,blended them in amongst flowers & everywhere in the garden. Still got about 10 more to plant out,wondering what piece of grass to dig out,because I have no tomato space left. Planted 2 diva cucumbers,3 alvaro melons,sunspot sunflowers & french marigolds into my raised bed. Planted out 6 more runner bean plants. Cooked a nice potato salad with my Arron pilot spuds,easy to make,just potato covered in salad cream & red onion.
              Last edited by Jungle Jane; 17-06-2015, 05:42 PM.
              Location : Essex


              • Weeding by hoe and hand, pea tying-in, 1/2 an hour fishing for duckweed with a bean pole and a lot of enjoying fledglings (some with fluff still on their heads), flowers and most other wildlife........
                had to tear off, unceremoniously, while chatting to allotmenteer neighbour to remove ant from underwear.
                No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                • Hand weeded strawberry beds and inside of polytunnel. Tidied up greenhouse by taking down a dilapidated shelving unit. Planted a dozen red lettuce plants in among my greenhouse toms. Watered all indoor plants along with outdoor seedlings. Left for home as I was freezing in my shorts and tee shirt!
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • Sang to the tune of...'I'm getting married in the morning'

                    I've got a flower on me pumpkin.

                    Sorted out the seeds in their box and had a mooch around for a bigger box.

                    Sowed some fennel, carrot and sugar snaps. Had a potato fertle. Picked and ate the ripe strawberries - some were not quite ready but hey ho.

                    Trimmed more leaves off my tomato experiment and put supports in for my central flowering spike thingy - now that was a surprise that the toms would do that!
                    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                    • We did a bit on our "Herb" corner! Needed to get em out if truth be known!

                      But really wanted to set em in "Clay Tubes" differing in size n heights! Time constraints again! A plan for the future!

                      But there in!

                      My bed is screaming! I really need to lay my head! Been a "Rough week"

                      But "Day Off" Tomoz!
                      Attached Files
                      "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                      • Still getting caught up after being away, weeding and watering- over 30 beds and some wild spaces!
                        Have been feeding tomatos, melons, courgette and cucumbers with homemade comfrey liquid - is this the right thing to do? The outdoor tomatos that I put out this week don't look happy!
                        No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                        • Never grown tomatoes outside! But must admit a lot of my outside stuff is not doing as well as expected!

                          Kris! Your feeding regime seems ok with me! I'm doing exactly the same!

                          Right! Finished the "Greenhouse" supports,

                          The last of the "Chillie's" now planted out!

                          Here's hoping for "Good Things"
                          Attached Files
                          "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                          • Love reading what everyone is getting up to

                            I haven't been very well and had to have surgery yesterday, but found out that my Dad had been down to my allotment to cut the grass around about it, and also got me a Greenhouse on my plot for my birthday. Really looking forward to going down now!


                            • Stared at some of my chilli plants trying to decide if I should get rid of them as they are not looking well. Also transferred two pumpkin plants to their final large pots. I have my eye on one pumpkin for a Halloween pumpkin ale that I will be brewing. Tied up some of the giant sunflowers that have shot up over the last few days.
                              All my projects including my brewing adventures!



                              • Today I laid 8 paving slabs (rescued from the skip at my local Aldi) at the top of my plot, outside the shed, so that I'm not walking onto mud all of the time. Making the top part of the plot look a little more presentable too.

                                Then I spend the next hour and a half digging a new 6x3 bed.


                                Well, weed roots like you have never seen - the soil level in the bed has dropped a couple of inches because of all the weeds I've taken out!

                                I think I'm going to sow carrots and maybe some beetroots in this bed, as I don't think it's too late for these?

                                The sun finally came out and it was quite pleasant after the rain we had earlier.


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