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What I did today - 2015


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  • Didn't have much time this evening... Nearly didn't go because it looked like it was going to pour down, but it brightened when I got to the plot.
    Put some lime down on my unknown cabbage seedlings, which don't really look like tiddlers any more, and seem to be doing okay; then erected my first net around them... Feel like a proper allotment set now I have a bed with a net on! Rooted around on the plot to find enough bricks hold the net in place.
    That was about it... Apart from noticing that my unknown potatoes are way above the earthing up I did the other day... Which amazes me, how quickly do these things grow??? Oh, do I have to keep earthing up?

    One day, I will be able to spend a whole day up there... When that day will be, I don't know, but I am so looking forward to the day I can!
    Last edited by Ding Dang Doo; 24-06-2015, 10:13 PM.


    • Planted a couple more rows of peas (hopefully these will germinate - in a new location) and netted and sticked them. Planted a row of yellow french beans. Ridged up the potatoes some more. harvested some stuff.


      • I sowed some more spring onions and some watercress, and planted out the last few chillis, some peppers, and some french beans.
        I also planted out some asparagus peas. I'd never heard of them before seeing the seed packet, but they looked interesting so I thought I'd give 'em a go.
        I admired the huge flowers on my courgettes every time I walked past, as I've never grown courgettes before and I'm really chuffed how well they're doing.


        • I did lots of watering and picked three vases of flowers for the house. I also loosened my overwintered onions with a fork in preparation for harvesting, discovering white rot in the process (sob). I'm suspicious about the garlic, too...
          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


          • Lots of watering, tied up the tomatoes and removed some excess leaves - there is a truss of green tomatoes on the Tigerella and then planted out the plants I bought at Gardener's World Live. It has taken me this long to decide where to put them.


            • Weeded the flower beds, planted Echinacea & Delphinium


              • Planted two courgette plants out.
                Tied up some more toms.
                Levelled up the gravel tray that the outside toms are sitting in as the water was pooling at one end.
                Skimmed the turf off an area in front of the fruit cage where I will make up a strawberry bed ready to transfer the strawberries into from their wooden box for next year (once they've fruited).

                Picked up a beehive I won in eBay yesterday.
                Tightened the legs on said beehive, painted it, reattached a batten and generally got quite excited.


                • Pulled up one bed of over wintered onions, that are now drying in the sun. Some are huge, v pleased.
                  Ground in that bed, very dry hard and crumbly!

                  Put few more canes in to try support my mange touts, that are beginning to lean!

                  Watered, and watered!


                  • Watered and weeded, visited Barry's nursery (he has a vegetable and plant stall at Saddington car boot and got me through first year at allotment- advice and plants) to buy eggs and get some more seed potatos. Had a lovely wander around and bought more irresistable flowers( promised myself that I wouldn't) and added yet more to my wish list.
                    Back to allotment and a friend visited bearing aubergine and celery plants, picked carrier bag of veg and chatted lots but, apart from topping up bird feeders and hastily watering greenhouse, got little else done. A nice evening though!
                    No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                    • Planted celery in cut edges around raised bed containing beetroot. planted marigolds in with tomatos-greenhouse, polytunnel and outdoor bed.Also planted some in a couple of brassica beds- I have aphids or white fly and am hoping it will help.
                      Planted 3 more aubergines in polytunnel and did some more watering and weeding.
                      Have 2 beds of broad beans, the one sown early this year is covered in black fly. The other one- sown at the end of November is much better, it also has summer savory in a corner that I sowed under a cloche in early February.
                      No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                      • Lovely morning here with the promise of an even better day. Quite heavy rain last night (well early evening) means that the all the outside plants got a good drink. So .. best get dressed and make a start. A few hours at the plot I think. I have gravel and sand to take and plenty to do! But will water the greenhouse first. Have a lovely day, however you spend it.
                        Last edited by susieq100; 27-06-2015, 07:40 AM.


                        • Spent the morning at the plot, weeded the strawberry bed, tied up the tomatoes, weeded the runner beans and the beetroot and leaf beet. Picked a few radish. Sprayed the black fly on my bored beans. Got very warm indeed! Now trying to summon the enthusiasm to either do the ironing or plant some more beetroot and radish in the raised beds at home. I will do both .... in a bit!


                          • Shopping(yuk),walk along the canal, watering and picking salad to take to the village bbq.
                            No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                            • Tied up the tomatoes and inspected their armpits.
                              Planted the last five Tumbling Toms plus some dill.
                              Had a general tidy & watered.

                              I seem to have spent ages out there today, but it doesn't sound as if I did much


                              • Did a few hours at work! Escaped to my "Santury"

                                Re-Barked the paths!

                                Looks more much "Tidier"

                                Oh! The "Twins are staying"

                                Thank god it's my "Weekend In" cause these boys can "Wreck a Gaff"
                                Attached Files
                                "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


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