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What I did today - 2015


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  • I've had a quick tidy in the greenhouse. Some of the sweet pepper and chilli pepper plants are still not producing any fruits so they've been evicted and the remaining plants have been checked over, tidied and given a bit more space.

    The garden has just about finished and I won't be planting any winter crops as I'm going to have very little free time between now and Feb with all the overtime I'll be doing.

    I'm just going to have a cuppa and peruse the latest seed catalogue that arrived this morning


    • Best. Day. Ever.

      I had no demands on my time between 9.00am and 3pm. And the sun came out.

      Moved the compost dalek and turned, aerated and re-layered the compost.

      Pulled up the spent DFBs and courgette plants, picked the DFBs over for the last beans and composted the rest.

      Sat in the sun and read a book, eating bread and cheese.

      Cut and levelled a new path alongside the hedge, then covered it with newspaper and weed membrane. Trimmed a bit of the hedge. Apologised to the bumble bee I unearthed and fed it mushed grape and flower heads.

      Harvested a leek for tea.


      • Took the debri netting off my curly kale to give it a bit more light now that the tree behind my plot is dropping its leaves and letting more light in.
        Harvested a few courgettes and a pumpkin for the Grand kids.Decided the bed the pumpkin was in will become my Japanese onion bed once cleared and planted up with sets.
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • Checked on my garden this afternoon and I was delighted to see my garlic has started to grow.
          All these lovely green shoots.
          I only planted it out ten days ago.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • (yesterday) - popped into the allotment on the way home from work to pick some toms and parsley for our dinner, and when I turned to leave there was a cheeky wee doggy wandering around on my plot. After following it around for 10 minutes trying to get hold of it (the local fox wasn't helping matters) i managed to grab it long enough to memorise the number on it's collar, which i then called. The grateful and slightly flustered owner was soon at the allotment gate, and after another 10 minutes of chasing it around, doggy was collared and led away in disgrace.


            • Was at the lotty at 6:20 this morning after finishing work. Did a bit of watering in the GH and PT's.
              Checked on Strawberry runners - decided I'm going to transfer some into grow bags on staging in polytunnel this year after my success with overwintered ones in hanging baskets.
              Made a cuppa and fried some Oyster Mushrooms freshly picked and sat in the shed mentally planning for next year, before coming home to bed and a telling off from OH for being lotty obsessed
              What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
              Pumpkin pi.


              • Dug up the second half of a bed of Tesco's spuds. They really are a nice tatty.

                Planted half a bed of Troy onion sets. So that's a 10 foot X 4 foot bed half filled with white winter sets and half filled with red winter sets.

                Believe it or not i have 18 beds of this size and all have stuff in them. So much so that i will probably finish up growing my three types of Spring Cabbage in the greenhouse and tunnel along with dwarf broadies as well.
                I can't get in the greenhouses yet though because the toms grapes and peppers are still going strong.
                I took home three mahoosive spuds for a baked tatty supper along with lots of different coloured toms and a dozen eggs!
                It was a comparatively nice evening so spent a bit of time weeding.
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • Planted up some lettuce seedlings into pots in the greenhouse.
                  Took some more cuttings from my fuschia plants as i am still having problems with rust.
                  Trimmed back and repotted some of my chillis that I hope to overwinter in the conservatory.
                  Took a few more tomato armpits, put some in water and some in pots.
                  All this in between collecting grand daughter from school, going to the library and of course raking up the unending cascade of leaves.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • With having some rain last nice the weeds are coming up nicely so i am weeding weeding weeding.

                    Cleaning and spent a silly amount on yankee candles online, well it was a sale.
                    I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



                    • Did a bit of weeding & tidying in my raised bed,still have nasturtium,geranium,marigold & thin leeks in there,but space for 30 onion sets 'electric' & 4 cloves of elephant garlic. Protected with a small piece of netting to stop birds & cats. I've put a 5 onions into individual pots,just incase the others rot or something,like onion insurance.
                      Location : Essex


                      • Transplanted lots of Elsanta Strawberry runners. Planted some of them in growbags on staging in the greenhouse in the hope of getting an even better April cropping than I did this year and potted the rest up to put in the garden of the new house when we move.
                        Did a bit of tidying up on the plot, though you wouldn't be able to tell.
                        What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
                        Pumpkin pi.


                        • Cleared my lettuce bed and used the space to plant out overwintering onions "Senshyu" seedlings from modules and 20 garlic cloves saved from this year's crop, "Vallelado" and "Thermidrome".

                          Cut the greenery off my carrot bed and earthed up the roots. Hopefully this will keep them in good condition to dig up over the winter.
                          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                          • I'm on holiday this week so weeding and digging the plot whilst the weather is dry.

                            Yesterday I dug over half a bed and also dug up a small patch of Ground Elder and went through the surrounding soil with a tooth comb to remove as much root as possible!

                            Today finished off the first bed and dug over a complete second one.

                            Forecast is good tomorrow so back on the plot to dig & weed the final bed in the mid area.

                            Wednesday forecast is a bit wet & windy so probably work in greenhouse potting up more strawberry runners and finish off putting bulbs into pots.
                            If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                            • My spuds are all up, pea and bean beds cleared and long canes stored out of the weather. A few things to take home whilst I'm able to lift and then plot mothballed till end of January. I'm gonna be so up the wall with frustration.


                              • Took the remaining stored Japanese onions (both white and red) off there strings and took them home for usage as they won't store the winter.
                                Used the same wires to string the summer harvest which has been sitting on the greenhouse bench awaiting attention. Pickled the remaining string of white shallots but still have the pink shallot string hanging.
                                Its still very mild for October and the toms are ripening well.
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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