Zermatt leeks, ailsa craig onions, Scenic spinach, Giant Prague Improved celeriac, basil, fennel, hurst greenshaft peas, kent blue peas all sown.
Pentland Javelin spuds planted on 26th Feb are showing through the compost and the way they are going will be at the top of the bag be the end of the month.
Need to sort out some beetroot seeds, cape gooseberries, herbs, radishes and kohlrabi, but I'm running out of space.
Pentland Javelin spuds planted on 26th Feb are showing through the compost and the way they are going will be at the top of the bag be the end of the month.
Need to sort out some beetroot seeds, cape gooseberries, herbs, radishes and kohlrabi, but I'm running out of space.