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The Seed Sowing Thread 2015


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  • #16
    Sowed chilli seeds:

    Northern Delight
    Choc Cherry

    ..we will see what happens
    I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

    ...utterly nutterly


    • #17
      Garlic Chives

      Corno Rosso
      Tam jalapeno

      Salad leaves:
      Winter mix
      Italian mix

      F1 sweet 'n' nice

      Tom thumb


      • #18
        Just planted some zebrune shallot seeds today


        • #19
          Started some sweet spanish onions today put them next to my aerogarden in hope that the light helps when they have germinated, I have little gem and lollo rosso lettuce on the aerogarden.


          • #20
            I notice folks are already sowing seeds, I started lots off inside last year on window sills etc, but without a proper greenhouse, they then go via plastic one then straight on to Plot, isn't it too early yet?

            Or am I already getting behind?


            • #21
              Dotty I haven't started seed sowing yet either but I am overwintering some chills and toms so that will give me a bit of an early start.
              Location....East Midlands.


              • #22
                I have planted and they have just come throughout the last week, over 250 tomato plants of nearly 30 varieties. I must be mad. Infact i know i'm mad But i always end up planting 2 seeds per cell just incase one doesn't germinate and then end up with double as i cannot throw a plant away

                I am going to give a lot away. I think. It takes so long bringing them in and out of the house everyday.

                How are you keeping your sideshoots? are they just on the windowsill, i tried a couple this year and they ended up going manky in the jar. One rooted but i forgot to keep changing the water. Would love to do this next year to get a head start.
                I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



                • #23
                  Just wondering if a new seed sowing thread be started for 2015? There's so many pages on this one

                  I've not sown any seeds yet but I seem to be getting a new delivery in the post daily of different types of seeds! I was intending to only grow a few things this year but that plan is definitely out the window, also need to see if my plastic greenhouse is repairable - it was crushed by a landslide of snow falling off my roof on new years eve
                  View my Vines - Mostly stupid cats!



                  • #24
                    New thread opened, as suggested ^^^^,


                    • #25
                      I tried to get into the greenhouse today to start sowing some seeds but the door is frozen solid so will try again tomorrow to get my onions started......


                      • #26
                        y'da: sowed morro redondo seeds and put in heated propagator. tray with parsley seeds are also moved into propagator from window sill. also sowed some amarnath's to see if they are good (not sure the temparature needs for amarnaths)

                        Today : sowed pownland sweet pea flower seeds misplaced the sweatpea flower seed packet.7

                        1 week ago: Sowed onion seeds and moved out of propagator after 3 days as seeds started germinating.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Lisasbolt View Post
                          I have planted and they have just come throughout the last week, over 250 tomato plants of nearly 30 varieties. I must be mad. Infact i know i'm mad But i always end up planting 2 seeds per cell just incase one doesn't germinate and then end up with double as i cannot throw a plant away

                          I am going to give a lot away. I think. It takes so long bringing them in and out of the house everyday.

                          How are you keeping your sideshoots? are they just on the windowsill, i tried a couple this year and they ended up going manky in the jar. One rooted but i forgot to keep changing the water. Would love to do this next year to get a head start.
                          I tried tomato sideshoots in water last year but found it hard to stop them from bending and being difficult to plant upright. My usual technique, which I have reverted to, is to fill a 3.5 inch pot with compost and push the sideshoot into it about an inch or so, then water, cover the pot with a plastic bag and put an elastic band round. I then wait until I see signs of growth, either from the leaves or from roots peeping through the bottom of the pot, before taking off the bag and putting them under lights. Sometimes the leaves go a little yellow, and when I take the bag off they always wilt alarmingly, but they usually recover very quickly.
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • #28
                            Sown the 2nd batch of Radish seeds


                            • #29
                              Still sitting firmly on my hands!

                              But the propagators are out!
                              "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                              • #30
                                where are they?

                                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post

                                in green house? what are the time lines for the root crop?


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