At the � shop today I bought a block of...of....well of something 
You take it home, add 3 litres of lukewarm water and get 10 litres of growing medium. The ingredients are written in microscopic print....I can't read it even with glasses on....but I suspect from the feel of this stuff that it is coir or coconut husk.
It was great fun watching it expand and I suspect it will be a great mulch on my thick clay. What I want to know though, is whether it's any good for actually growing in?
I reckon it will be okay for germinating in....seeds are usually quite self sufficient.
But today for example, I am pricking out shallots (at the crook stage) to go into modules. Can I use it for those?
And would it help if I water it with dilute tomato feed?
It's so much easier to carry home from the shops!

You take it home, add 3 litres of lukewarm water and get 10 litres of growing medium. The ingredients are written in microscopic print....I can't read it even with glasses on....but I suspect from the feel of this stuff that it is coir or coconut husk.
It was great fun watching it expand and I suspect it will be a great mulch on my thick clay. What I want to know though, is whether it's any good for actually growing in?
I reckon it will be okay for germinating in....seeds are usually quite self sufficient.
But today for example, I am pricking out shallots (at the crook stage) to go into modules. Can I use it for those?
And would it help if I water it with dilute tomato feed?
It's so much easier to carry home from the shops!