As the heading says, I am chomping at the bit to get planting.
I've got three lots of shallots waiting in the wings and parsnip seeds are also ready to go in.
Hopefully the perma frost at the allotment will abate this weekend and i'll get a chance to at least plant some shallots and move some raspberries.
Because I couldn't work the soil, I thought I would use the wheel barrow to bring some free hoss muck from the communal heap and add it to the beds. After searching high and lo for my wheelbarow I came to the conclusion that some thieving toerag had chawed it!
Ah wel, Ill just have to transport it in smaller amounts in a large plastic trug.
Is nothing sacred these days!

Hopefully the perma frost at the allotment will abate this weekend and i'll get a chance to at least plant some shallots and move some raspberries.
Because I couldn't work the soil, I thought I would use the wheel barrow to bring some free hoss muck from the communal heap and add it to the beds. After searching high and lo for my wheelbarow I came to the conclusion that some thieving toerag had chawed it!

Is nothing sacred these days!
