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  • Minutina

    Has anybody grown this? I'm drawn towards it for some reason, but always sceptical when everybody isn't already growing it. Especially considering I live in the North.

  • #2
    Yes, I grew it last year in Glasgow. I would not grow it again as I found it tough and tasteless.


    • #3
      I sowed a few seeds of it last autumn and I now have 3 or 4 young plants that have survived the winter and are looking healthy. I haven't tried eating it yet, but I like the look of it with it's spiky leaves, and I'm hoping it will self-seed. I like the thought of having tough plants around that can be eaten if times get hard. And it doesn't take up much room.


      • #4
        Originally posted by realfood View Post
        Yes, I grew it last year in Glasgow. I would not grow it again as I found it tough and tasteless.
        I thought this might be the case. From the descriptions I read on seed websites (salty, coastal, crunchy) and the photographs I saw I was thinking "sounds a bit like salsify".

        However, searching google images for minutina and searching for the latin name yields highly contrasting results.


        Searching minutina:

        Searching Plantago coronopus:

        Kind of loses that succulent, crunchy juiciness when it's not bringing up all the images used by the seed catalogues!
        Last edited by Inastate; 11-03-2015, 08:24 PM.


        • #5
          It probably depends how old it is and what conditions it's grown in. If you grew lettuce in poor stony soil and let it go to seed it wouldn't be nice to eat either.


          • #6
            Has anyone else grown this since 2015? and how do you rate it?


            • #7
              Also known as Erba Stella -

              Its still in my oddments box.


              • #8
                Thank you. Guess I will find out soon enough it kinda fell in to the basket when I was after something else


                • #9
                  I think that's how it got into mine too.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Inastate View Post
                    I thought this might be the case. From the descriptions I read on seed websites (salty, coastal, crunchy) and the photographs I saw I was thinking "sounds a bit like salsify".

                    However, searching google images for minutina and searching for the latin name yields highly contrasting results.


                    Searching minutina:

                    Searching Plantago coronopus:

                    Kind of loses that succulent, crunchy juiciness when it's not bringing up all the images used by the seed catalogues!
                    Second pic looks like plantain weed!
                    Are y'oroight booy?


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