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  • Carpet!

    The new plot had been carpeted by the previous owner. Problem is that it has been there so long the grass has grown roots through. Getting it up is a real struggle. My son and daughter worked like troopers to lift long sections from the paths. It wasn't hessian so wouldn't have rotted but I was thankful it wasn't foam backed either.
    My son commented when we left today that it now looked like a real allotment.
    Asparagus bed done, garlic discovered, onions sets, spring onion seed and radish planted. Next plants to go in will be broad beans when the next bed is clear.
    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
    Now a little Shrinking Violet.

  • #2
    There are pink bits of underlay (probably foam) across my plot from someone several times before, I suspect. I can't get it out of some of the beds (we're talking smaller than 5p sized bits) just every so often you see a flash of pink in the soil. I think it's where small bit flaked off an blew about. Is this a problem?
    Waiting to get to the top of the allotment list!
    Small garden gardener!


    • #3
      I would have thought it's too small to worry about weedit. Pick them up and stick them in your pocket for the Mrs to find in the washing.


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