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new seed viability


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  • #16
    Of course there are a lot more bad gardeners than there are seed merchants

    They ( the seed sellers)sometimes bend the rules a fact which is being denied by some on this post
    Are you all living in a "Dixon of Dock Green" world


    • #17
      Originally posted by beeterforit View Post
      Of course there are a lot more bad gardeners than there are seed merchants

      They ( the seed sellers)sometimes bend the rules a fact which is being denied by some on this post
      Are you all living in a "Dixon of Dock Green" world
      We are simply pointing out that there are laws which are enforced and if the seed manufacturers were as crooked as you infer on multiple posts then we'd all be complaining about it and the seed companies would be loosing business. Of course they want to make as much money as possible but sending out consistently inferior products isn't in their interest and that is the reality.

      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


      • #18
        Oh I give in seed companies are only run by Angels


        • #19
          Originally posted by beeterforit View Post
          They ( the seed sellers)sometimes bend the rules a fact which is being denied by some on this post
          Are you all living in a "Dixon of Dock Green" world
          You have proof of this allegation?
          If not, then it would be wiser if you kept your opinions to yourself.

          Accusations of malpractice should not be made on this public forum.

          I would also remind you, Beeterforit, and anyone else who may be reading this thread, of the T&Cs that you agreed to when you joined this forum.

          In particular:-

          (i) About your posts:

          Contributions must be civil and tasteful.

          No disruptive, offensive or abusive behaviour: contributions must be constructive and polite, not mean-spirited or contributed with the intention of causing trouble.

          No unlawful or objectionable content: unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive or otherwise objectionable material is not acceptable.

          Whatever your views are on "rules", if these are broken - action, probably Banning, will be taken.

          NOW, can we get back to helping the OP with their seed germination.


          • #20
            many thanks for the suggestions ! to answer a couple of points ,they were sown at the recommended which was 1/2" ,kristen good idea re covers " they were kept damp ish by regularly watering as compost surface dried out (not sodden though !)but they would be much more stable with covers,ive sown some in the gh with covers lets see what happens ! i will let you know in a couple of weeks time .in fairness though the ones that have germinated are very healthy looking .


            • #21
              Originally posted by glyn View Post
              as compost surface dried out
              If indeed the surface did dry out, that would be enough to kill any seed that had germinated in the slightest way,even so far as a swollen seed.


              • #22
                Originally posted by glyn View Post
                they were kept damp ish by regularly watering as compost surface dried out (not sodden though !)
                You might find that they are sodden "Underneath" the surface ... it can happen easily if a container is regularly watered and the plants are not ina position to "drink" all the water provided, it then accumulates.

                Worth checking the weight of the container; old hands can do this "by feel", but for newbies it might be worth actually weighing a container both Dry and Freshly watered, and seeing the difference.
                K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


                • #23
                  Originally posted by libbyloulou View Post
                  If indeed the surface did dry out, that would be enough to kill any seed that had germinated in the slightest way,even so far as a swollen seed.
                  Yes, although they are obviously reasonably well adapted to survive wet/dry cycles in nature. Might be more chance of the surface baking in the sun, in a container, though. In Spring the ground, outside, is still cold so the sun warms the surface but lower in the soil is still cold which mediates the surface temperature.
                  K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


                  • #24
                    seeds GH sown are now through and though not 100% yet they are very close ! i took heed of kristen's comments and left them covered and hey what do you know!, a massive improvement, thank you! one to store for next year in the learning curve
                    NEXT question if i may, how long does gherkin seed take to germinate ( kept at about 20 deg in a propagator) ?and how long does it stay viable for kept in dry cool conditions , it is LAST years seed and been sown just over 2 weeks now, one has come through last week but im thinking its the seed thats perhaps past its use by date as the other 4 are not showing !


                    • #25
                      Your last year's gherkin seeds should be OK for several more years. RealSeeds say up to 10 years How long vegetable seeds can be stored
                      I've no idea how long they take to germinate but if one is up, I would expect them all to be up within a few days of each other.


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