Are there any Techies/Geeks out there that love integrating technology and gardening?
Perhaps a special thread might be of use.
My current projects are
1) An on going radio up link from my greenhouse to my house network.
A small transmitter in the greenhouse sleeps for 60 seconds, wakes up and reads the temperature probe the sends it over radio to a receiver in the house. Being asleep most of the time it uses very little power and runs on 3 AA batteries.
2) In the house I have a receiver that receives the radio data and sends it via USB to a small Linux server. This logs the temp to disk and provides a small web server to read the current temp and provide a graph from any day.
3) For some while I have a heated propagator tray. Unfortunately it's not temperature controlled. So on sunny days it over heats.
I have purchase a STC-1000 controller from ebay ( you can get them for under a tenner from China) but I use a supplier from Birmingham to get a quick delivery.
Currently in progress with wiring it up.
Anyone else ????
Perhaps a special thread might be of use.
My current projects are
1) An on going radio up link from my greenhouse to my house network.
A small transmitter in the greenhouse sleeps for 60 seconds, wakes up and reads the temperature probe the sends it over radio to a receiver in the house. Being asleep most of the time it uses very little power and runs on 3 AA batteries.
2) In the house I have a receiver that receives the radio data and sends it via USB to a small Linux server. This logs the temp to disk and provides a small web server to read the current temp and provide a graph from any day.
3) For some while I have a heated propagator tray. Unfortunately it's not temperature controlled. So on sunny days it over heats.
I have purchase a STC-1000 controller from ebay ( you can get them for under a tenner from China) but I use a supplier from Birmingham to get a quick delivery.
Currently in progress with wiring it up.
Anyone else ????