I just wanted some advice on what toms to grow. I find many varieties a bit too sweet but do want flavour! Any suggestions would be great. Also, any that are happy outdoors would be useful too! Thanks.
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Tomatoes that arent too sweet!
I choose my tomato variety based upon a rule of thumb that the lighter the colour, the sweeter the fruit.
Like you, I prefer a tasty rather than sweet tomato and my absolute favourite is 'Black Russian'. Another, more common tomato with a really good flavour is 'Tigerella'....available just about everywhere, reliable, productive and looks good on the plate.
Do you have any varieties that you know you like? We may be able to recommend something 'more tasty' or 'less sweet' based on that. Also, do you grow in a greenhouse? Greenhouse tomatoes tend to be significantly more flavourful than the outdoor grown types.
Personally I find the much loved sun-gold a little too sweet on their own, but good in a mix with others. But that seems to be a problem with most of the yellow tomatoes I've tried. So if I were you I'd stay away. Meanwhile some of the old favourites are too bland, for example Moneymaker... a tom I've never really understood the appeal of. It's boring and tastes the same as the cheapest tasteless toms you can buy in the supermarket for pennies. I've never checked but I assume they are one and the same.
As muddled said, Tigerella is a nice tangy tomato. Black cherry is almost wine like. Cherokee Purple has an interesting taste. Infact, most of the beafsteaks are lovely.. not too sweet and lots of lovely flesh. One of my neighbours grew a tom called Caro Rich last year and it was super rich and tangy.
Another vote for Black Russian in this category. Though I do like my Sun gold as well.
As to Moneymaker the name says it all. It was developed in conjunction with Boots here in Nottingham with the sole intent of large production with not even a nod as to taste. During the development stage the crop was so prolific it fetched down a large glass house at the experimental station.Potty by name Potty by nature.
By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.
We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.
Aesop 620BC-560BC
Actually, Valleyman, I find the outside grown toms taste much better, IF they actually get a crop - it's just that weather and blight make me grow most of mine indoors, nowadays
I grow Black Cherry, but pick it while the shoulders are a bit green, to get the best tangy taste.
The same with Black Sea Manand I grow these 2 every year. (BSM is a good outdoor tom, as long as it stays clear of blight)
I also grow cherry tom Rosada F1, which I find less sweet than some other cherries.
It is all a question of growing a few different sorts each year til you find the ones you like best
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